WorthlessLoser [des/pair]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2021


  • I'm not smart. I'm generally very stupid, by any metric. I can't think quickly, or deeply, I never have anything funny or clever to say, I don't pick up on obvious things that everyone else does. I really am just dumb. If I think I've made a unique observation, it's been noticed and discarded already by everyone around me. I really am that slow. I don't GET things until well after everyone else already has got it and sometimes even made it an inside joke I will never get because I'm so slow. I can tell sometimes when people want to bring me in on the joke, and they try to walk me in on the sequence of humor. But they get frustrated by how much of a pathetic moron I am, eventually giving up on me. The best thing I can possibly ever be to anyone is a lost cause. That's if I'm lucky.

  • I never had a good enough internet connection to play anything online. Rural internet in the US is a fucking joke. I've been single player all my life aside from a few LAN parties in the late 90s. I've been curious though, felt like I probably missed out, but whatever. Single player takes up enough time in my bullshit life, I'm sure multiplayer would only make it worse.

  • I'm kind of afraid of them. I tried RC dissociatives and I did really like them but they did not change anything long term and then they just stopped working at all, even to just trip. All the magic was lost very quick. I tried an RC psychedelic that was supposed to be mild and visual but I just felt twitchy and uncomfortable with no visuals, no epiphanies, no openness, just gross and weird like I took shitty dysphoric speed.

    I know I should go with more natural stuff like shrooms but I am broke and have no friends and no connections.

  • Thank you Dirt_Owl, you are one awesome bird.

    I believe your promise that we'll make it "through," but through to where? It's not looking real hopeful on the global stage, with the west descending into fascism even more than it already was and the entire world falling into worsening climate crises that are just the start of a mass extinction. I won't bore or burden you with the details but on my personal level it's uhm not good either. Thank you for the kindness. It makes a difference but I still can't shake the feeling that life is hopeless and there's no escaping it.

    Sorry, I'm just screaming into the void. It is pretty cool to hear a friendly hoot in response though. :penguin-love:

  • CW: depressed loser.

    I have serious brain chemistry issues I think. I mean, everyone does in this capitalist hellworld ofc, but I'm so horribly depressed, so unable to feel any happiness even when I should, like when something undeniably "good" happens to me, I feel nothing but regret and self hatred and fear. I think my serotonin and dopamine receptors are just outright broken. Legal drugs have been unable to repair or even stop-gap it. Illegal ones "work" (they let me lie to myself) for a bit but then make it exponentially worse with a crash or withdrawal. I feel doomed to living the rest of my pathetic life in despair. Alone. Then dying as I do the only thing I know how to do anymore, wallowing in self pity. Not very communist of me I know, but I never claimed to be a worthwhile human being, let alone a good communist.

  • WorthlessLoser [des/pair]tofood*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    As far as capacity to suffer? No. No difference. As far as capacity to do human-level shit like uh, read? Yes, difference. The question isn't whether or not goats can read though, it's whether or not they, and other animals can experience a life, can suffer, can feel joy, etc. And guess what, they can do all those things. And if your empathy ends at those who can read, then... fuck you, you're not a comrade.

  • Every night I drink thinking "once I'm drunk, I can make a comment worth posting" and then I get drunk and just end up hating myself and everything I might have said. So I never comment. It's probably for the best though because the comments would be shit and everyone would just wish I'd STFU and go away. So I do. I say nothing and just lurk. But what's this? I said something?? I must be more drunk than usual. Everyone hates me, I deserve nothing but scorn.