I hate that I will never be this funny.
You how in TV and movies when ever you see giant underground complexes you think "How the could they have built that without anybody noticing?" I assume this is what it would really look like.
He seems cool to me. https://twitter.com/drmistercody/status/1346696293310054400?s=20
Am leftist, can confirm.
I don't see the issue with her initial tweet besides it being a tired, stale joke.
Some More News is still good.
What do you classify Fur Affinity as?
Never forget what they did to Craigslist personals.
His Twitter reads like a liberal Charlie Kirk.
I have played Destiny and was unaware it had a plot at all.
Cody tried to warn us.
Bullying works.
Can we ban people talking about how much they love pit bulls every time this issue comes up instead?
This MFer said pitt bulls.
Isn't the Yellow-haired guy from the Warriors series?