Queer✨Anarchist Anti-fascist

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023

  • I have tons of experience with enterprise linux, so I tend to use Rocky linux. It’s similar to my Fedora daily driver, which is nice, and very close to the RHEL and Centos systems I used to own.

    You are slightly mistaken with your assumption that debian is insecure because of the old packages. Old packages are fine, and not inherently insecure because of its age. I only become concerned about the security implications of a package if it is dual use/LOLBin, known to be vulnerable, or has been out of support for some time. The older packages Debian uses, at least things related to infrastructure and hosting, are the patched LTS release of a project.

    My big concerns for picking a distro for hosting services would be reliability, level of support, and familiarity.

    A more reliable distro is less likely to crash or break itself. Enterprise linux and Debian come to mind with this regard.

    A distro that is well supported will mean quick access to security patches, updates, and more stable updates. It will have good, accurate documentation, and hopefully some good guides. Enterprise linux, Debian and Ubuntu have excellent support. Enterprise linux distros have incredible documentation, and often are similar enough that documentation for a different branch will work fine. Heck, I usually use rhel docs when troubleshooting my fedora install since it is close enough to get me to a point where the application docs will guide me through.

    Familiarity is self explanatory. But it is important because you are more likely to accidentally compromise security in an unfamiliar environment, and it’s the driving force behind me sticking with enterprise linux over Nixos or a hardened OpenBSD.

    As a fair word of warning, enterprise linux will be pretty different compared to any desktop distro, even fedora. It takes quite a bit of learning, to get comfortable (especially with SELinux), but once you do, things will go smoothly. you can also use a pirated rhel certification guide to learn enterprise linux

    If anything, you can simply mess around in a local VM and try installing the tools and services needed before taking it to the cloud.

  • Its moreso that “anti-authoritarianism is stupid because steam doesn’t care, and the machines of the factory I own must be operated during these hours because thats when the despotic steam engines are running”

    Its a really silly argument, but I’m also taking the worst bits out of the essay because that point is stupid and funny.

    To be more fair, Engels is trying to critique libertarian socialists and anarchists and he is doing a bad job about it because the language used by him, and the language used by anarchists did not line up. Engels expanded authority to be broad and impossible to escape, where the anarchists and other anti-authoritarians were talking about a specific type of authority, hierarchic authority.

    His argument for most of the essay is essentially “collective activity means cooperation, and in order to cooperate you must, at some point submit to the will of the others.”

    That argument is stupid because it lacks any nuance on authority. The authority of a police officer, able to violently impose their will on someone with a badge and a gun is different than the authority of a group of friends coming to an agreement on where to get lunch even when one doesn’t want to get food at that restaurant, which is different to the authority of a slave-master demanding that his slaves must work the loom in a particular fashion to maximize productivity.

  • Use google translate as a proxy for browsing hexbear. Works for most other sites too.

    As far as IT systems are concerned, you’re just translating shit

    If you are a more technical person, spin up a cloud VM and install a proxy on it. Use a proxying browser plugin (I use foxyproxy) and have it proxy traffic based on dns resolution so your browsing for blocked sites goes through the proxy. If your device lets you use SSH, you can set up a SOCKS proxy using only ssh, and use the browser plugin can use the local proxy address. This will bypass any network security appliances off your machine (assuming it doesn’t block ssh outright, or the IPs of your server).

    Just note that this is almost certainly a breach of the security policy where you work and it will result in getting punished if caught. This can result in a write up or even getting fired. If you work in a security focused environment, you’ll probably get caught if the security staff is good and not overworked, and I say this as someone who works in security. I just hope I’m not in the SOC which has to respond to these alerts :/

  • Drunk me writes self modifying code that became critical to logging functionalities. Still works, but I won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.

    I don’t know how it works, but I know it does, and I know its macros all the way down.

    Normally I need to toss out 1/2 of my code that was written while drinking even a single beer, but that night I somehow had good code after drinking half a bottle of pure rye whiskey. Guess my Ballmer peak is somewhere between “bro i miss them so much” and blackout.

  • Is this a pro life anarchist? An anarchist advocating placing restrictions on personal freedoms?????

    Trying to logic into this position hurts my brain.

    Like I get a theoretical argument (beyond the common pro-life positions) stating that allowing abortion is harms the future atonomy of an unborn baby, but that would only work under the misguided assumption that life begins at conception.

    That position would also be coercive, restricting the autonomy of a woman on behalf of an unborn child, so there’s not exactly as strong of a leg to stand on.

    I presume by bringing fascism into the equation they’re probably trying to point out that fascism uses abortion for eugenics, and therefore banning it would prevent fascists from doing eugenics. Well, abortion being illegal might stop eugenics via abortion, but that does nothing to stop eugenics via sterilization, and it also assumes fascists wouldn’t just perform abortions anyways.