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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • bluewing@lemm.eetoCasual UK@feddit.uk*Permanently Deleted*
    5 months ago

    Heinz Baked Beans are some of the worst canned beans on the market. I'm all for beans and toast, but Heinz? Come on Britain, you can do better.

    Slowly baked beans made with real bacon, molasses, onion, vegetable broth, and tomato paste and then slow baked at 250F/125C for 6 or so hours is the food of the gods. And will elevate Beans and Toast - particularly if you pair it with homemade bread.

  • So you are happy to let the evil win? You get to have what you are willing to do. DO something to make the change. Become the Better Bernie Sanders yourself. Change something for the better just don't waste your time and everyone else's time pissing and moaning about something.

  • If you do not like the current state of affairs, do something about it. Get help find and recruit candidates that represent you and perhaps run for office yourself. Local government is where it all starts.

    The next Bernie Sanders does NOT magically pop up out of nowhere. The future generations need to step up and do so in a significant manor. Be that change you want yourself. Otherwise let the downward spiral happen and just live with your choice to not get involved personally.

  • That is an issue more with owners who don't know better or are just lazy and poor at training rather than the dogs themselves. All dogs do better with activity, but even Border collies, (Long ago and far away I owned, trained and worked a pair), don't work all day long every day. Most days they might do 30 minutes of actual work. The rest of their time is spent lounging in the sun or shade. So it's less about energy and more about training. The one thing a working breed from a proper bloodline has over a lot of rescues is tractability. No matter how "high powered" they might be, if they are not willing to easily do your bidding, even at a long distances, they are worthless. Tractability means as much or more than drive.

    Again, don't get me wrong. Rescues deserve and need a loving home as much as you or me. I have a rescue dog myself. His only requirement is to do tippytaps for his kibble, soak up butt rubs, (because who among us does not love a good butt rub), and keep my feet warm over the winter. But he came from a harsh place and was a very stubborn and willful dog to work with. It took me nearly 2 years of training effort to get to the lovable house pet he has become. And I'm a very highly and experienced trainer - more so than the vast majority.

    Your dog is a reflection of its owner/handler/trainer.

  • I own and train hunting dogs for upland and waterfowl hunting. I've also done breeding in my younger days. Bloodlines absolutely matter. A puppy from National Champion bloodlines has a far, far better chance of being very good at his job. This goes for ANY working breed that is actually expected to work at their job in real life. And they cost a LOT of money to buy, train, and maintain. But these aren't foo-foo dogs bred strictly for looks either.

    If all you need is a popcorn and movie and sleep on the bed pet, then it doesn't probably matter very much. Find a nice rescue - they need a home and love too.