Currently browsing from an alternative lemmy frontend.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Someone should make a bot that lets you easily send your lemmy posts and comments to your politican. Make it use text to speech and call them in addition to emails so they are forced to at least pretend care about your complaints. But who am I kidding, unless you tie it to money or donations I doubt politicians would give a damn.

    US income taxes are not progressive systems. They are PINO (Progressive in name only). In reality they are regressive.

  • Relevant Section under Gift economies:

    The expansion of the Internet has witnessed a resurgence of the gift economy, especially in the technology sector. Engineers, scientists, and software developers create open-source software projects. The Linux kernel and the GNU operating system are prototypical examples of the gift economy's prominence in the technology sector and its active role in using permissive free software and copyleft licenses, which allow free reuse of software and knowledge.

    Essentially the line of thought is that open source software is an example of mutual aid and the gift economy.

  • Based upon my actions, I tend to avoid people probably from a fear of judgement, and maybe partly because I think I am better than them because I like to think I'm more informed than them usually. I also like to think and tell myself that I like people even when I don't necessarily live up to that in reality. In general, I try to assume that people are good, while keeping in mind that they are inherently selfish.

    Even if people say and have a lot of naive or ignorant viewpoints, I try to remind myself they may partly hold those viewpoints to feel better about themselves. Everyone wants to feel like they are important, and some people do that by tearing other people down. If the only way someone can feel better about themself is by telling themselves at least they aren't black, gay, trans, a lib, a commie, a repub, poor, etc. then they must have a pretty sad life.

  • What is more scary to me than some people fighting halfway across the world is how quickly people get so worked up over it. There are 14 other conflicts happening throughout the world that are similar in scale but you never hear about them because they are relatively poor countries. Humans have fought each other all throughout our history. Guess what? It still happens. It is quite simply decades of propaganda that causes such an intense reaction to an event like this. People only care about this because the people in charge of their media bubbles want them to care about it.

    Yes, Hamas did a bad thing. No one is denying that. But take a step back and look at the context of the past 20 years. Israel has done many bad things to Palestine over the past years. Israel has killed ~10k+ Palestinians in the past 20 years vs the ~1k the Israelis that Palestinians have killed.

    It is not surprising that pissed off enough Palestinians to convince them to do something about it. It is only surprising if you are only seeing tiny snippets of the big picture fed to you by one of the parties supporting the conflict.

  • Maybe not, people can only see the truth of the matter if they want to. If their worldview requires it to be a conflict of good vs evil, than they probably will ignore it to perserve their worldview.

    well they’re terrorists, and also Hamas uses human shields.

    My reply would be that they are also people who see themselves as in a shitty situation.

    They will always find a way to justify Israel.

    That is very likely true, but you don't know until you actually bring up the issue with them.

  • Is the media really trying to blame the wrong perpetrator just like they did for 9/11? I guess people learned nothing from the US's botched response to 9/11.

    It's pretty simple really. Not including the recent attack, Israel has killed 10k+ Palestinians since 2000 vs the ~500 Israelis killed in conflict. It is pretty simple to see why a group of Palestinians would do something like this. They are angry at Israelis oppressing them.

    With that being said, their desire for revenge is understandable. There is still no reason to murder innocent Israelis.

  • people are affected by how their environment is designed

    If you really want a brainfuck apply this to your content consumption habits. Negative environment = discourage use. Positive environment = encourage it. Unfortunately anything designed to be addictive(like facebook) can be a negative environment, even if it makes you temporarily happy because of dopamine if you misuse it.

  • we 'shouldn’t' try to hide the bad things we’ve done when we teach history

    The keyword here is shouldn't. Most people don't do lots of things they should.

    Not out of malice but simply laziness, it is a lot easier to just default to the norm and go on. Try comparing what should get done in politics(campaign promises) to what actually gets done in washington. In short what should happen and what actually happens are two different things in a lot of areas.

  • For me it was when I was watching Soul with some friends and eventually came to some emotional realizations. I realized that I only had a superficial understanding of how to communicate. I could discuss ideas in the abstract, but I had trouble with expressing myself emotionally and personally because I was always conditioned to repress how I feel. I guess like 22 in the movie I only saw myself as a casual observer. It took a couple rewatches for me to process the difficult emotions I was feeling into something I could explain but when I did it really helped my overall mental outlook on life.