communism [none/use name]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2020


  • Except you haven't clarified anything. You did the typical middle class lib "sports are dumb haha" and then when I called you out on it you've made this ludicrous switch to joe rogan nonsense. You then said the other post said their post was better when it had nothing to do with Joe Rogan and that user has now recanted.

  • The gracie family are famous practitioners of BJJ and BJJ is the best on the ground martial art and since most fights go to the ground the gracies become renown from that. Not everything is a right wing conspiracy.

    Also, in general you won't find "comrades" in most places. Singling out MMA just sounds like typical anti-sports a.k.a. anti-working class hobbies rhetoric.

  • I dated a girl that did a Krav Maga taster lesson thing and she said in the first 20 minutes they learned how to disarm a knife attacker and also how to disarm a pistol user and then render the pistol useless. This wasn't some McDojo either, it was in London and sponsored by the IDF with the instructors being former IDF people. Absolutely bizarre.

  • communism [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    To add to this, I think you have to ask why it's important that others can see the upvotes/downvotes of a post? Is the location of the post not enough?

    As much as I want to think of myself as a critical thinker if I see someone with a heavily downvoted post I will think it's bad before I read it and vice versa for a heavily upvoted post.

  • it is hilarious. as evil as trump is etc it's still funny to think he probably was in a meeting where a bunch of people were saying what guest speakers they had lined up and he said "no. no it's going to be- i'm going to do all four nights. people want me, they get me, a lot of people, they said, a lot of people said i do such a good job at these conventions, everyone is saying that, i do such a good job they say why don't I just do every night so we're going to have me do every night and it's going to be great"