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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • that's just the thing, This is again, more fragmentation, Some compositors support always on top, some don't, you choose x protocol for your app, and now your app works great on sway, but not on KDE or gnome, or it works great on gnome and not kde or sway etc. As an app developer the situation is a bloody joke. My current stance is "just use xwayland because wayland will never be suitable" and thankfully with cosmic and kde both supporting "don't scale xwayland" this seems to work well.

    EDIT: they also make enough deviances from the upstream protocols that this can't really be considered a "experimental branch"

    EX: https://github.com/misyltoad/frog-protocols/blob/main/frog-protocols/frog-color-management-v1.xml vs https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland-protocols/-/merge_requests/14/diffs

  • The best YouTube TV app for desktops is YouTube TV.

    Look up PS4 Pro Leanback UserAgent and I recommend using that with Chrome because Firefox has a little bit of bugs. If you use it as a web app it works pretty well. The one caveat is you cannot exit out of it without enabling a developer flying in Chrome, without that flag you need to use alt + f4.

    You want to use a web app or kiosk mode, specifically because resolution that you get in video is determined by the window size at startup, so if you have a 4K display, it needs to be full screen at start or else you will not get 4K video. Playback, you'll only get 1440p.

    Otherwise, just full screen it, then refresh.

    I personally have found that the kodi plugin is quite frankly not very good.

  • for one, it's missing a good chunk of A11y stuff, activity watch requires something to monitor the active window, there is a PR for that, still not merged, this has been an issue for years

    It's missing protocols that will let applications request to be a privileged application, which is necessary for applications to use other functionality.

    Missing protocols to control always-on-top / layers, which is needed for OSKs to function, and a couple other A11y things off the top of my head.

    It's not just a11y either, Window positioning still isn't merged, which means if your app opens two "windows", you cannot currently select where to open them, or to even bind two windows together (Android emulator does this for instance).

    There is a LOT wayland is missing, it IS getting better, just at a snails pace.

  • A) Export using a lower effort, with libjxl effort 2 or something will be fine.

    B) Export to a faster image format like QOI or TIFF or PPM/PNM etc.

    PNG, JXL, WEBP, all have fairly high encode times by default with ffmpeg. lower the effort or use a faster format

    If you think that it really could be write speed limitations, encode to a ramdisk first then transfer if you have the spare ram, but using a different and faster format will probably help as PNG is still very slow to encode. (writing to /tmp is fine for this)

  • But imho it shows he lacks spine to take a real stand. I get why, he needs to retain his audience which is a mix of people from different political and social backgrounds. I just don’t respect it.

    I really don't think he should take a stand, This is why I actually like him a lot more then pretty much any other linux youtuber. With him I don't need to worry about removed distro takes, stupid drama takes. Just information.

    Until he’s willing to have Danielle Fore (Trans Developer on the Elementary OS Distro) on his Tech Over Tea Podcast, I’m going to say he’s giving a lot more attention and positive exposure to toxic people than not. And he’s not exactly actually on Both Sides, like he wants us all to believe.

    Im not sure who that is, Was there some kind of drama involved here? It never made it across my feed personally and being honest, due to my recent findings of new time, I'm partially suffering terminally online syndrome. Not to sound demeaning, but I genuinely have no idea who Danielle Fore is outside of the small tidbit you just brought up. Can you tell me more about them?

  • Trying to remain unbias, the super TLDR;

    • FDO decided that they didn't like vaxry's community and told him to fix or action will be taken against him (Banning from FDO) for violating their (FDO's)
    • Vaxry said, This is my community, It's not an FDO project, and is not under control of FDO, Doesn't fall under purview of FDO's COC, I will not be bullied. And posted the interaction.
    • FDO's COC committy didn't like that and banned vaxry from FDO.

    Time for my personal bias Im not sure how I can hide this other then spoiler, but ignore it if you don't want my very bias opinion;


    FDO for sure over stepped their bounds. FDO did wrongfully invoke their COC against hyprland's community, Their COC is extremely clear on it's "scope" https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeOfConduct/ under which hyprland absolutely doesn't fall under. That being said, OFC FDO retains the right to ban anyone from their services as they please (I'll explain why this is extremely bad below). But they invoked the COC which is extremely important here.

    Vaxry absolutely acted unprofessionally in publicizing this, on the other hand, I'm really glad he did because it's insane that FDO is attacking the hyprland community in the first place, which is an extremely self isolating community. It's very much "what happens in the discord is a discord thing". Outside of the discord, hyprland community is perfectly fine. I've not seen a single "Hyprland fan" go around shitting on anything else (granted this is hard to judge since you need to be given context of someone shitting on something, to be a hyprland fan), on the contary, I have seen many people publically shittying on vaxry on multiple forums.

    FDO was in their right to ban Vaxry for publicizing the emails, but I don't think it was a good idea at all. They essentially punished Vaxry for airing their dirty laundry. Proving him right in the end. It's important to note, that given context, Drew's articles on Vaxry are insanely biased against him, with the intent to drum up hate towards vaxry (going so far as to imply Vaxry would call people the N-Word when giving support to people by using extremely misleading and cherry picked context)

    The original emails are best explained by vaxry himself so check out his blog.

    In the end, Vaxry acted unprofessionally and got banned for it, but FDO acted equally unprofessionally, and their actions greatly overstepped the rights they had (as far as enforcing COC goes, their original email)

    Now WHY is FDO banning vaxry so important? Pretty much everything that matters in terms of linux gui development is on FDO's services. Wayland protocol discussion, Mesa, Wlroots etc. by banning vaxry from these services, he is pretty much no longer able to directly interact with the wayland community. (At least not without ban evasion or someone else acting as a proxy)

    EDIT: I forgot my conclusions.

    I strongly feel like FDO is using their position as the people who control linux to push their politics unto others. Hence Vaxry's original blog post How Freedesktop/RedHat harass other projects into submission