gowanus_canal [any]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 21st, 2021


  • gowanus_canal [any]toaskchapoWhat the Hell is This?
    3 years ago



    seems like your grandpa was smart for keeping it, not a cheap part!

  • this is close to my thinking, except the city police paramilitaries are all right-wing extremists. the liberals have no one guarding the gate. they think guns and violence are too icky, but not even 1/6 or the kidnapping plot against Gretchen Whitmer has caused them to consider cleaning out their police forces of fash and, i dunno maybe arming and deputizing a bunch of communists or anfita. clearly, it's not ideal for them to keep servicing capital, but at least commies aren't in a frenzy fantasizing about putting them against the wall the way the fascists are.

  • I had a thought the other day, it would be cool if someone developed a bacterial or fungus that would rapidly consume and break down petroleum. Then some ""eco-terrorists"" could poison oil fields and natural gas wells with the stuff, forcing us off fossil fuels. Didn't think about it breaking down asphalt pavement, though.