I had some good years while seemingly the rest of the world has had very bad years. So next year I hope will be your year.
I had some good years while seemingly the rest of the world has had very bad years. So next year I hope will be your year.
Do any of these high school subcultures even still exist?
I've been thinking about this lately. The average American probably fucking hates America without realizing it because they've been propagandized on American exceptionalism their whole lives. So instead they just think they're deeply unsatisfied with whatever the current leadership is. No, it couldn't possibly be that our great country is a top to bottom failure that can't be reformed, we just need someone to make better choices for us. So it'll just bounce back and forth from either party forever with Americans getting more pissed off every 4 years until, I don't know, nothing probably.
I agree. Accident or not, when a device is bricked it's permanently fucked, functionally useless. The term suits it and should be what we call this practice unless there's a harsher word to describe a company unplugging the necessary server that kills an otherwise useful, working device.
I kind of hope the media keeps being this funny. It's just gonna radicalize more people.
This was way cooler than I anticipated.
Great analysis and write up. Thank you! I'm curious to see where this franchise goes. I'm sure they're hoping the media expansions blow up like D&D has and it's interesting to think the riskiness of the material simply won't allow it to go mainstream.
Thank you for the thorough recommendations. Adding it to my read list.
Hey, so I don't play 40K, but have some leftist friends who enjoy it. This IP feels doomed. Is that just a dumb outsider's perspective? It just strikes me as precariously perched right now between satirizing fascism and becoming co-opted by actual fascists. If it gains popularity through the videogames and this streaming series, at best that might pull it further into a safe, apolitical direction for broad appeal. I dunno. What do actual fans think?
Never read Earthsea (generally not into fantasy), but I loved The Dispossessed and been wanting to read more LeGuin. Would anyone recommend this?
Americans hate the poor so fucking much it's unreal.
It's literally the opposite structure of the journalistic inverted pyramid format. Most relevant sentences go right at the top, further details below. Articles used to be intentionally written so you could stop reading at any point and walk away with most of the information.
This is a blackmail collection box waiting to be hacked.
Citizen Sleeper. Very engaging story so far. It does seem like everyone you meet immediately likes you and wants to be your friend, which is fine for most games. But in a RP heavy time management sim, I feel like you want to see those characters grow to trust you over time depending on who you choose to help, especially since you're an illegal sentient being in a stolen synthetic body who literally just showed up on their space station.
Seconding Gravity Rush. Its traversal mechanics are one of a kind. Lots of fun to play around with.
The thumbs up is great.
The liberal perspective of everything is going fine actually for the past 4 years is so much more delusional than the people who are constantly pissed off and reaching for the wrong solutions.
Yeah? I use Revanced on YouTube and tried it for TikTok, but it doesn't seem to block the ads or shops.
I created an IG account last month for work because it's the platform my industry expects you to be on. I only use it to keep up with others in my field. Stories pretty much exclusively. If I scroll down at all it's a nightmare.
49, but many more I've tried and bounced off of after a few hours.