Why are you being hostile?
Why are you being hostile?
you’re being hostile.
Ok. Thanks!
Reported for alt-jacketing:
Moderators will be asked to remove comments that are off-topic, unproductive to the post’s discussion, hostile, or wrecker-jacketing/alt-jacketing.
Aren’t we all role playing?
I don’t understand.
Yeah, I know you’re not my dad. I wanted to ask the opinion of the informed users of hexbear.
Maybe the point of the game is to support the. I don’t know.
Oh. I already exceeded that.
What are those sources?
No. I am objectively correct. Cylinder has more volume.
I won’t be reporting this comment, even if it breaks the rules, because I don’t want to be banned. I hope someone else reports it. We should all follow the rules.
I won’t be reporting this comment, even if it breaks the rules, because I don’t want to be banned. I hope someone else reports it. We should all follow the rules.
I don’t know the exact number.
Thank you for including me.
The scaly-foot snail grows its own iron suit of armor — and thrives in the white-hot hydrothermal vents of the Indian Ocean.
This is metal.
Ah. Thanks! That is a good bit.