Jordan Lund

Hey, he's like, just this guy, you know?

  • 40 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I mean, if you count the web series, they already have spin offs of spin offs.

    I gave up on the show as they got farther and farther from the comics. What's the point of even licensing a property if you aren't going to be faithful?

    That being said, there was one spin-off comic called "The Alien" which was set in Barcelona so this may be related to that? 🤔

  • There were parts of it that were well done. Having the two Barry's, one older, one younger, was absolutely believable. Later adding Dark Flash also worked. Michael Keaton Batman was fantastic. As you say, Supergirl was excellent.

    But the only way to enjoy it is to look past the really awful VFX shots. I give them total props for putting in George Reeves, Adam West, Christopher Reeve, Helen Slater, and freakin' Nicholas Cage fighting a giant spider... but man... the shots were plastic. Some kid could have done a better job with action figures.

    Even if you want to argue that the Time Bubble/Cross Universe stuff is supposed to look distorted, that still doesn't excuse the Babies in Danger^TM sequence.

  • Oregonian here. 110 has been an absolute disaster. The intent was good, legalize the drugs and incentivize treatment. You get busted with drugs it's a $100 fine, and that fine is waived if you seek treatment...

    You don't even have to GET treatment, you just have to call a toll free number and ask about treatment options.

    The first year, just over 16,000 people were ticketed. Less than 1% opted to ask about treatment.

    Meanwhile every no-account addict is rolling to Oregon, Honduran gangs are operating in our streets with impunity 2-3 blocks from the police HQ, theft is up, property crime is up, and the only "harm reduction" portions of 110 that ARE actually being used are free needle exchanges and Narcan distribution.

    Fire Station #1 stated they did 76 overdose calls on Labor Day weekend:

    “In some cases we treat the same patient in the same week. And we know through our partners of AMR (ambulance service), that the same patient has overdosed multiple times in a day,” says Friedericks. “I know that even when we try to help, our help is unwanted, wares on all of us.”

  • Manufactured housing is, essentially, disposable housing. It doesn't hold up to the same standards as housing, and if it did, there wouldn't be a need for a special classification.

    My home was built in 1951, 72 years ago. Still solid, still livable.

    Mobile homes?

    "Keep in mind that according to national regulations, mobile homes are usually considered to be habitable for 55.8 years more or less."


    "Unlike “built” homes or real estate, mobile homes depreciate in value similar to other types of private property. This is largely because of the way in which they are constructed and their mobility.

    A certain decrease in valuation due to depreciation is inevitable. This begins to apply as soon as you buy your home. In general, mobile homes depreciate at about 3-3.5% a year. Working out how much your manufactured house has depreciated can help you to fairly accurately determine the current value of your home.

    For example, a home that originally cost $50,000 will be worth $ 41,000 after six years."

    So you burn a bunch of carbon resources making housing that's going to be worthless and in a landfill in 50 years.

    How is that "better for the environment"?