Yeah. I've seen some of it and it looks quite promising. Unfortunately, I'm one of those DMs who, for the love of his life, can't make a campaign with self-made stuff as it always ends in hyper fixation and over preparing on some parts, but complete lack of direction in others. I'm trying to get better, but modules just take of so much of that pressure, allowing me to fill in the gaps with actually well thought out content.
But if any DM wants to run a campaign in the places I so smugly called the ,,forgotten" part of the realms, then I'm always happy to see it.
Probably. An author once wrote this piece of conversation:
"Wait? You can transform matter. Thats magic." "Your people can use metal to fly over buildings." "Of course they can. It makes perfect sense."
Having a world, where "magic" actually exist raises a lot of questions about some conventional expressions and cultural aspects.