post this to the egg_irl
comm you coward
post this to the egg_irl
comm you coward
I can't not see this as a trans meme for some reason.
very much same here, they’re doing literally nothing for me now other than ruining outfits.
ah, well, that's disappointing to read. thank you for informing me, though!
I've always read Hanrahan and Evans with a grain of salt, anyways, but it's unfortunate how it feels like any podcaster with a following seems to inevitably align with neoliberalism to one extent or another.
I dunno, I rather enjoyed his mini-documentary on JStark1809 and the FGC9, and the Popular Front magazine is an enjoyable read. Jake's definitely very brit-pilled, but he does good work, all things considered. also I'm not sure if one can even be a war journalist without either being cozy with the agents of imperialism or mysteriously getting hit by a stray shell or three in the back of the head in a non-combat zone.
fucking wild how libs are bending over backwards to not acknowledge how the only ethnicity to vote more for Trump than Harris, regardless of gender, was crackers.
where coins and Scriptures can be found written in the same language they still speak.
oh boy this zionist doesn't even know that zionists created the Hebrew language spoken in Israel today barely more than a century ago.
Imma be real here, that comment doesn't put me in a dunking mood, it just makes me sad for that person. like they have all the same despair about what's already being put in place for us to live through for the next four years starting in January, but they don't have revolutionary optimism to fall back on when the near future looks bleak as fuck.
It's like an onion bit.
has the onion run a headline along the lines of The Onion Shutting Down The Presses Due To Real Life Being Its Own Satire yet?
"pay us to not harass you" is honestly the epitome of Americanism. thank you though, that's good advice, and might be worthwhile to avoid the stress and embarrassment.
this is so real, I didn't mind being gendered male until I transitioned far enough to be more often gendered female (more common, bc people tend to assume binary gender) or ??? (which is its own flavor of funny, like I'm giving off a non-binary aura or something).
this looks like as awful a textural experience as creamed corn plus the gross shit is covering a portion of the chips/fries, so that's a hard pass from me.
that’s right, it goes in the square hole!
damn, that would’ve been a rare Sonic movie W.
wait hold up did Knuckles just not assume Shadow's gender in the movie? or are the captions here for the meme and not the actual lines?
I know nothing about this book but the little intro on goodreads and what you all have said here but it's not in my library hold list
how does ordering multiple work? just submit the form multiple times. or…?