• 29 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2022


  • I hate this question so much. I wish it was illegal to ask. You have to give some vague bullshit or you might tick the interviewer off. They know your answer will be bullshit but will ask anyways. And then every now and again you get some lumpen bootlicker asshole who refuses to abide by the social contract and wants to know exactly why you are seeking a new job and won't accept the customary bullshit answer.

  • "There were certainly things we could've done to test it and actually fire it. They would've been very time-consuming and very costly," Mike Hansen, the company's head of navigation systems, told Reuters in an interview on Saturday. "So that was a risk as a company that we acknowledged and took that risk."

    What insane copium to post hoc justify not verifying your multimillion dollar machine works before crashing it.