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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • My parents, brother and his family all live in Townsville, so I'm up there at least once a year myself.

    The locals are actually thinking this will be a fairly 'baby' cyclone that they should ride out fairly easily (fingers crossed). That said, the panic buying has still been nuts. First-timers expecting they'll need a year's supply of bottled water, when you can just fill buckets and the bathtub ahead of time and have all you need for most purposes.

    Most people are fairly prepared. My dad is in full-time care due to advanced dementia, and a lot of the staff there have actually moved in with the residents to ensure they've got proper care should everything go south.

  • I think it's because we expect them to work as well as the ones we had plastered all over our bedroom ceilings back in the 80's... which of course were likely full of chemicals that would have a snowflake's chance in hell of meeting any modern safety standards!

    I mean hey, they looked great when I was 9, and the fact that I now glow in the dark all by myself is just a cool side-effect =)

  • This is a great idea.

    Every year my wife and I pick out our fave photos of the year across both of our phones (because that's where they all get taken these days!), and when Snapfish do their big yearly sale at the start of Jan we get a hardcover photo book made up.

    It helps to have a folder that we just dump photos we particularly like into as the year goes on, makes things quick come book compiling time.

    Just this weekend gone our niece was staying with us, and she loved going through our little collection of photo books on the shelf, and I admit I enjoyed it too! I love the experience of browsing a book or album of printed photos.