Not decisively winning by choice =/= losing
Not decisively winning by choice =/= losing
Even most old people survive, they're more likely to die from a flu. Cope.
I was referring to conquering uncivilized cultures, smart guy.
America has never lost a war smartass. It's called withdrawal so we can spend money on ourselves instead, we could have easily won if we really wanted to.
Strawman after ad hominem after strawman after lies. I don't have the time for this shit. Natural disasters happen and America has ALWAYS prevailed and came out stronger, and Ivermectin has far more science behind it than a newly made "vaccine."
More children will commit suicide from being confined and restricted 24/7.
It's a cold, and I don't feel like getting sick from it.
0.01% death rate = genocide
This is a literal rape threat. This is a literal rape threat.
Supporting someone does not mean agreeing with every single thing he says and does. However, a Trump withdrawal would at least be smooth and not a fucking joke. Cope.
Cope, Biden is a fluke and God will save the country soon enough, no matter how long it takes.
Are you supporting actual ethnic genocide?
Mass genocide of children is slowly being outlawed so I think we're on the right path.
Lmao tell them to get a job?
Cope, true America will prevail until the day Earth dies.
Enjoy starving death in your 15 populatio socialist dystopia.
Cope, America will never be socialist.
Way more Vietnamese died than Americans so I consider that a win.