Hypersensitivity be like that
Hypersensitivity be like that
Bump amber whataboutism volcel police
Abner! Abner! Come quick and see what those neighbors are doing!
The main things are trying to get away from my pot habit and get active/ in shape again. Really, any kind of discipline that I can manage feels like it would be an improvement.
Go ahead and add me, could use some motivation
Bump amber whataboutism
Bump amber whataboutism etc
Thanks for giving me a legit chuckle despite the depression and anxiety.
Bump amber whataboutism etc.
Bump amber whataboutism
Bump Amber volcel police
I'll never forget the time a friend stayed the night and we spent something like 4 hours farming that sword. It finally dropped while he was playing, and he immediately went to swap it from Jeff to Poo and equip it.
Something caught my eye as he switched between character inventories though, so I told him to open the inventory again. As soon as he stopped on Paula's page, I confirmed what I thought I had seen a minute ago;
Another Sword of Kings.
And given its earlier position in the overall team inventory, that meant one had already dropped at some point, and we had failed to notice that until we farmed a second one...
We decided to get some sleep pretty soon after that.
Ray Smuckles?
Oh wait I don't think he wears shirts much
Bump whataboutism volcel police
Cooking and massage, maybe some wood/metal working on the side
My dad once mixed a can of tuna, a can of no-bean chili, and sauerkraut. That's still pretty up there for me
I claimed Fights in Tight Spaces and Hadean Tactics. Thanks!