I fail to see China going towards this state of no state. Maybe it's just me. All I want is a revolution all over Europe and especially in Russia.
I fail to see China going towards this state of no state. Maybe it's just me. All I want is a revolution all over Europe and especially in Russia.
PRC and other oppressive states that say they're ruled by a communist party but have a classist system where most of the benefits go to a political and/or financial elite, just like in any neoliberal state just with all the hints to any imahinary or real pluralism removed. In real communism there's no coersion. Debate.
Nope, i definitely understood that lib refers to liberal (US meaning, not what it means on the other side of the Atlantic ocean) or neoliberal (or neoliberalist). I may have been too vague or bad at expressing myself in a language that i am not a native speaker of.
Lib or not I would not condone anything based on compass. Also State Capitalism is bad even if it calls itself Communism and Russia is everything but Marxist. However I am willing to debate any neo-liberalist, centrist and right wing viewpoint.
Well, that was some fun story. Only in 'Murica! :D
As if people tend to want to find out what random discs have on them.
Antisemitism mixed with more general xenophobia and apartheid flavour racism plus "everything left from our doctrines is Bolshevism" kind of hatred towards the left.
Yup, the same thought here. It plays on the old conspiracy theory - that the secret jewish elite and the Marxists are behind everything, in a bad and despicable way.
Yet it is heavily playing (or at least trying to play) with racist and antisemitic phobias and tropes. The kind of "the jews and leftists are ruining our country, would you now proceed to beating them up, please" propaganda that we've seen since late 19th century all over Europe and which peaked after 1933 in Germany and is raising its ugly head all over the world from time to time.
Now, you are moving the goal posts and making assumptions without knowledge. I'll agree to disagree, especially on imperialism, but probably not in a way you'd think. You are also bringing up stuff I did not say nor imply. Thanks for making this a nice place to have a discussion.