Neuron activation, monkey sees action
Neuron activation, monkey sees action
I wonder why "didn't do" got removed lol
Ah for fucks sake, fucking "we must make these women birth at all costs" ass politicians, leave the gays alone they removednuffin for your low ass birth rates come on
Awww man I had to switch to python only cus I'm so tight on time, currently one day behind. I swear I'll go back and do the C/C++/Rust solutions at some point 😭😭🙏
Pinky is right behind the thumb in strength. Look at the entire muscle it has, it's huge.
I'm doing cheap-ass classes, one of the few real great profs we had said this to me: "if you see job requirements divide them by 3 at the very least. People at hiring positions are insane and don't know what they're looking for". That quote by him was very endearing to me personally.
I'm not a particularly good programmer, but I wanna try to, if I get enough free time this december. Probably gonna go c++/rust
Ehh honestly I just use MPV and store radio stations as m3u files:
#EXTINF:-1,SomaFM - n5MD Radio
#EXTINF:-1,SomaFM - n5MD Radio
#EXTINF:-1,SomaFM - n5MD Radio
#EXTINF:-1,SomaFM - n5MD Radio
#EXTINF:-1,SomaFM - n5MD Radio
Jesus Christ, this is fucked up. I'm honestly scared of shit to come
Under my regime I'd literally give all the rights to my supporters and execute those who oppose me 🥶🥶🙏
I'm so glad that my college days of having to use Ms word are over, I can finally use TeX and my favorite editor if I ever need to produce papers. Gone are the days of annoying as shit markup, hooray
I wish I was brainwashed by China. Maybe my life wouldn't be so shit then.
Frfr, books are awesome.
I don't read books that often, but I recently picked up book about quitting smoking that I saw mentioned by some guy on lemmy. I read it through in 11 hours straight no sleep and the effect was immediate, I quit smoking lmao. Idk what magic was that but now I fucking love books 🤩
Santa? All my homies get gifts from Dead Moroze
No way, is it Das Kapital
I quite like the shape of 40号 and 38号 series