• 11 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 20th, 2021


  • I was all ready to rant about the problem of new developments being built before public transport infrastructure, but I checked the map and there are two railway lines in the vicinity!


    ...that said, there is a distinct lack of cycle/pedestrian infrastructure and the style of vehicle traffic makes it hostile.

    Of course, the best solution to that is limiting car traffic to a single lane, no on-street parking, and a 20km/h speed limit.

  • Excerpt from the communiqué:

    [...] Specifically, this Communiqué analyses Australian government policy and the actions of individual members of the Australian Parliament to show that the Australian government and its most senior officials have both failed to prevent or respond to the genocide committed by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza and been complicit in the carrying out of this genocide in a manner which falls squarely within Article 25 (3)(c) and/or (d) of the Rome Statute of the ICC. The evidence compiled herein amounts to a reasonable basis for the OTP to conduct an investigation into such conduct of Australian nationals, and to seek the authorisation of the Pre-Trial Chamber for the same, alternatively, to consider the contents of this Communiqué in the context of the OTP’s ongoing investigation into the Situation in the State of Palestine.

    Following 7 October 2023, when Palestinian militant groups led by Hamas attacked Israeli settlements and military installations, killing 1,200 Israeli civilians and military personnel while capturing over 250 individuals, Israel launched a devastatingly violent campaign against Palestinians in Gaza. Over 27,000 Palestinians have since been killed, and more than 1.7 million people in Gaza have been internally displaced. The Gaza coastal strip has been blockaded by the Israeli military, leading to food scarcity, sanitation concerns, the spread of communicable diseases, and widespread despair. Communications have regularly been cut, and the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) have instituted a devastating bombing campaign that has almost completely destroyed Gaza’s residential stock, places of worship, food outlets, cultural institutions, and educational facilities. Concurrently with this material destruction, officials of the Israeli government and military have increasingly voiced their intention to “wipe out” Palestinians living in Gaza and have explicitly employed genocidal rhetoric consistently and publicly. As this Communiqué highlights, a wide range of respected scholarly and legal sources have determined that such circumstances amount to genocide.

    Since 7 October 2023, the Australian government and individual government Ministers and political figures, such as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Foreign Minister Penny Wong, Defence Minister Richard Marles, and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, have provided explicit political, rhetorical, moral, military, and material support for Israel’s genocidal attack, despite their indisputable knowledge of the extent of the violent attacks. These actors have sought to provide political cover for Israel in international forums, justifying Israel’s bombing campaign as a legitimate right to self-defence that it does not, in fact, enjoy, and refusing to take any action that may positively contribute to stopping the genocidal campaign in Gaza. The Australian government, and its individual members, has, moreover, taken actions that further aggravate the ongoing genocide in Palestine through its cessation of funding for vital aid and humanitarian support. [...]

    The rest of the document makes for a well-referenced timeline on the actions by various Australian political figures in relation the the recent Israel-Palestine conflict.

  • Machine-generated summary courtesy of Kagi's summarizer (filling in for TL;DRbot):

    Summary: The "anti-Germans" are a left-wing political movement in Germany that strongly supports Israel and criticizes any expression of solidarity with Palestine as anti-Semitic. While they began as a fringe group opposing German nationalism, they have now achieved mainstream success in promoting pro-Israel stances. They focus heavily on depicting Muslims and pro-Palestine activists as Nazis. Over time, the movement has moved away from leftist politics and toward anti-Muslim rhetoric and support for right-wing positions. Many of its stances have now been adopted more broadly in German policy and discourse. Although the group itself may be less influential, its radical anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim views have permeated German political life. Some former members have even gone on to respectable careers after pushing such views. In this way, the "anti-Germans" have had a significant impact on shaping Germany's approach to Israel and Palestine issues.

    Dot points:

    • At a pro-Israel demonstration in Leipzig, Germany, flags of Israel and the antifa movement were flown together, showing the unusual alliance between pro-Israel and far-left groups in Germany.
    • The anti-Deutsch movement started as a radical left opposition to German nationalism but is now defined by its hardline support for Israel and criticism of any expression of solidarity with Palestine.
    • Support for Israel has become increasingly mainstream in German politics, while support for Palestine has been marginalized. The anti-Deutsch movement has found new relevance as a result.
    • The anti-Deutsch movement emerged in reaction to fears that German reunification could lead to a resurgence of German nationalism and Nazism. They blamed inherent flaws in German culture and identity for the Holocaust.
    • The movement's focus has shifted from criticizing capitalism to attacking Muslims and those expressing solidarity with Palestine as antisemites.
    • The anti-Deutsch movement takes an extreme stance, believing that any means are justified to secure Israel's existence as protection against antisemitism.
    • There have been attacks on pro-Palestine groups in Germany by those claiming to oppose antisemitism, showing the radicalization of some in the anti-Deutsch movement.
    • The anti-Deutsch movement's extreme anti-Muslim positions have aligned with conservative parties' rhetoric on issues like immigration.
    • While the anti-Deutsch movement's influence as a leftist group has waned, its anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim politics have become mainstream in German discourse.
    • Some former members of the anti-Deutsch movement have gone on to respectable careers in media and politics, showing how their views have diffused into the establishment.

  • rcbrk@lemmy.mltoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlGo ahead.
    7 months ago

    All around Vic, too. They generally don't even put in a bike lane, just say "use the emergency lane". Here's a sequence of images for one on the freeway in to Melbourne from Ballarat, starting from the onramp:

    Show Onramp with sign declaring bicycles permitted on this freeway

    Show Further along the onramp, sign saying to form 1 lane

    Show also on the onramp, yellow diamond sign with bicycle symbol

    Show sign beside the now-merging lane directing cyclists to ride on the shoulder

    Show sign at the end of the merge, 110 speed limit.

    This whole stretch of freeway is 110 km/h (70mph). There are skid marks where vehicles have bailed out of a failing 110km/h merge.

    The shoulder is the emergency lane. It's where drivers pull over into if there's an unavoidable hazard ahead or their brakes are failing or something.

  • Quoting from https://lemmy.ml/comment/3470836 (@JoeBidet@lemmy.ml):


    1/ publishing evidence of the Clinton campaign actively undermining Sanders who was then the natural candidate of the Democrats according to their internal polls (including by using antisemitic slur) + actively boosting Trump campaign because “it’s the only one we can beat” is “throwing the US presidential election to the Republicans”? How this genuine, authenticated information of public interest, published in the New York Times and WaPo is throwing the US elections more than the facts that were being reported?

    2/ “worked with Russian intelligence” is absolute nonsense. What is your source on that? The Muller report says the opposite. If anything it is possible (but not proven) that the source may have been from within Russian intel, but a) Assange mentioned several times -way before that episode- that the entire architecture of WL made it impossible for them to actually know their sources, and we have all reasons to believe that (as it would be the smartest thing to do) b) if any journalist gets documents that are authentic and of public interest, regardless of the source, their duty is to publish it. If a Russian intelligence source had provided fake, doctored or otherwise altered material, and they would have been published as such, it would have been a real scandal. In the facts we are still talking of ground-breaking journalism.

    I still can’t figure that some people cannot realize that Hillary Clinton did all she could to actually lose this election on her own (this and a fundamentally fucked up electoral system), and are actually finding scapegoats like Assange to avoid looking at this reality in the eyes…