Why is the family saying it’s shocking that the Chinese government would consider diplomats espionage?
I thought that diplomats are often associated with back channels and espionage. Is that not a common thing?
Why is the family saying it’s shocking that the Chinese government would consider diplomats espionage?
I thought that diplomats are often associated with back channels and espionage. Is that not a common thing?
What did Klitschko say in 2014 when the US sponsored a color revolution?
Legit consider getting a sleep study!
I got diagnosed narcoleptic in my late 40s. I always assumed it was the cartoon version of narcolepsy.
Yes, those people exist. But like anything else, there are degrees. I have fallen asleep in work meetings, rock concerts, movies, driving in traffic, and somehow narcolepsy never crossed my mind.
If you can quickly fall asleep in any sound environment, that is definitely unusual (and also extremely familiar).
A friend gave me a mint planter when I told them I was terrible with plants.
I planted it and it died. He was dumbfounded.
What’s the opposite of a green thumb?
This is me. Voted green for the first time.
Zhang is 2 time ufc champion and has even fought IN CHINA.
If the government is giving this guy a hard time, it isn’t for doing mixed martial arts.
I’m almost finished reading it. So far, it’s the best translation of the Odyssey that I’ve ever read. The language is more accessible and modern and it flows and reads much more like a novel.
I minored in classic civ in college and have read 2 other versions of the Odyssey previously. She did a great job.
Maybe if the US and other countries didn’t put a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs…
Wtf is it with white people and raw milk?
Double decker ice cream sandwich.
Yep! We fled Lebanon during the war. I live in the US, but have been back a few times since.
Are you Druze? If so, we may be related 🤣
Marhaba! My family is in Abey and Abadiyeh. My cousins are ok as of yesterday.
So glad to hear you are safe habibi. Thank you for sharing.
I have watched it off and on since it first aired and I can’t remember ever seeing Trump. In fairness I haven’t watched much the last couple years.
Mr. Garrison isn’t Trump, no matter how much they nod and wink.
Obama wasn’t portrayed by another character and neither was Bush and neither was Clinton.
Did they ever actually show Trump? Or was it bs Garrison as Trump?
Looked out of curiosity and seems the answer is no. Also, they literally said they were scared to make fun of him.
They’re such wusses.
During W’s reign they used kid gloves. Always been like that with conservatives.
Why is something as vital if not more vital than US Mail left to scummy private companies?
We’re well into the 21st century. Many businesses will direct you to their website when you call in.
Having affordable internet access is not a luxury it’s a necessity.
It’s petty third world mindset to allow these rent seekers to continue to profit off of awful service. Especially when they actively seek to block municipalities from setting up their own ISPs.
I honestly would get one if I could afford it.
It is significantly more. I mean, it’s one of those things that isn’t that much more in the scheme of things, but when you’re scrambling to replace a roof, it’s a lot.
I paid $8k for a new roof a few years back. I got estimates. Metal would have been about twice as much.
Hard to justify when a decent shingle lasts 15-20 years.
Doesn’t film have a definition roughly equivalent to 2K?
Not sure why they didn’t just do a digital transfer to 2K.
I don’t even play games and this makes me want to learn how to copy and distribute their crap on general principle.
Their cutsie characters can’t mask an abhorrent, corporate beast.