
I live in Lebanon, Aley district. Israeli airstrike targets are at proximity of my location. Beirut, and particularly Dahieh, is completely visible from my balcony. There are also refugees sheltered in my town.

Other things to know about me: I am a leftist, and a legal and political writer.

P.S. I will answer anything (as it is with AMA posts), not only issues pertaining to the recent events.

  • miz [any, any]
    36 minutes ago

    if you know Roqayah Chamseddine can you tell her I thought her recent appearance on The East is a Podcast was very good

    • godsvictory [any]
      31 minutes ago

      New relevant podcasts discovered. Now I want to know her. Thank you!

      • miz [any, any]
        4 minutes ago

        I discovered The East is a Podcast via their Tankie Therapy series of group therapy sessions where they try to cope with the news of the zionist atrocities, highly recommended

    • godsvictory [any]
      54 minutes ago

      More or less inexistent. The Lebanese Communist Party has no more popularity even after it rebranded itself as soccdem in the 70's.

      The Progressive Socialist Party adopted sectarian politics after the assassination of its former leader.

      There is the Communists Action Organisation in Lebanon which still upholds its socialist character.

      After the 17 october 2019 protests, a new grassroot party emerged called "Citizens in a State" whose leader is an approved communist. But the party's constituents are diverse, from liberals to socdems, neoliberals, socialists and so forth. Wasn't very fond of their programme.

      I think the main issue of the political left is its failure to attract and mobilize the working class. The only recent example I can recall is the establishment of a labor union by the workers of Spinneys (supermarket chain) after intense legal battles with the help of the communist leader that I mentioned earlier. I highly recommend reading about it:

  • Utter_Karate [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 hours ago

    To give you one of those not pertaining to current events:

    How did Lebanese cooking conquer so much of the world? I feel like every other country with a cuisine that is as widely spread and popular is more than ten times the size. I actually just did a search for Stockholm where I live and found 54 different lebanese restaurants. The food is great, but why did Lebanon in particular beat all of its bigger neighbours and become such a giant in food culture?

    • godsvictory [any]
      2 hours ago

      Lebanese cuisine conquering the world is the only imperialist endeavour I approve 😎

      It's very interesting because many of our dishes we share with the neighbouring countries due to cultural and historical ties. One factor could be that the Lebanese among the arab nations were the first to immigrate (circa 1840's) to the west. They were mostly christian minorities who fled and were very successful in establishing themselves abroad. This could also be a case of xenophobia and islamophobia. But I am no expert.

      Also, the food tastes even better if you visit the country.

      • Utter_Karate [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 hour ago

        Being the first to emigrate to a large degree is a great explanation. I don't think this one can be blamed on islamophobia because I think the islamophobes just consider Lebanon to be an entirely muslim country already because it's in that part of the world.

        It is no surprise that there are more good Lebanese chefs in Lebanon than anywhere else, and I hope I'll be able to visit someday. Stay safe and thank you for answering our questions!

  • Vampire [any]
    3 hours ago

    Pagers exploded.

    Walkie-talkies exploded.

    Are people living in fear their lightswitch is about to blow up, or their showerhead, or something? Is there a climate of fear about hidden bombs in everyday objects?

    • godsvictory [any]
      3 hours ago

      Oh that was a common concern. Especially directly after the incident, there was a lot of fear mongering being perpetuated. Some claimed that the batteries of phones and laptops were also rigged or, worse, lithium batteries connected to solar panels were going to explode (FYI, the majority of households use solar energy and virtually every roof has at least one station).

      Also, you reminded me of this

  • Awoo [she/her]M
    3 hours ago

    How does opinion in the country split, from your perspective? What groups would you say different people with different views on the situation belong to?

    • godsvictory [any]
      2 hours ago

      Let me start by what isn't a split.

      Contrary to the west, there isn't the typical left-right split. Frankly, the two competing, mainstream currents are both right-wing to different degrees (yes, Hezbollah isn't keen on leftism and had fought with the communists during the civil war; but of course, obligatory critical support yada yada).

      Equally the split, unlike what bigoted orientalist journalists and correspondents claim, is not of a sectarian/religious nature and never has been. Although parties employ sectarian discourse the reality is each religion and sect has two parties or more who contradict each other and are allied with parties from different sects.

      In reality, opinion is split regarding foreign policy and allegiance. Some parties are affiliated with Saudi Arabia (and by extension the US) while others are funded by Syria, and Iran. This has been the case since the establishment of the state. Historically it was the British and French. Then it was the Americans and Egyptians (Soviets by extension) which led to the events of 1958, a mini civil war of sorts. The 1975 civil war was mainly caused by disagreement regarding support for the Palestinian cause.

      To clarify, this is the mainstream political narrative. But there is a class narrative which has always been overshadowed.

      • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
        2 hours ago

        Thank you, this gives a materialist perspective on the common “religiously split nation” image held up in the west

  • DragonSlayer999 [none/use name]
    3 hours ago

    Cool thread.

    What would you cook if you had a bunch of friends coming for dinner?

    Also, please link some good new Lebanese music.

  • peeonyou [he/him]
    2 hours ago

    Israel will eat shit and stop their rabid attacks inshallah

  • sexywheat [none/use name]
    2 hours ago

    So the Lebanon subreddit on reddit-logo is almost entirely Hasbara astroturfing, yea? All they seem to do is talk shit about Hezb (in english most of the time lol, totally not sus at all)

    • godsvictory [any]
      2 hours ago

      Hasbara and liberal, disconnected expats. They never reflected the political culture and now more than ever. And they always spoke in English. Lebanese have a severe case of westoxication.

      • culpritus [any]
        1 minute ago


        Thanks for this word!

  • combat_doomerism [he/him]
    3 hours ago

    is this an alt account or did someone send you to this site? either way, how did you find hexbear?

  • Barx [none/use name]
    4 hours ago

    What do you believe is the most effective way for Westerners to be in solidarity the people of Lebanon and the resistance? Examples: educating their peers to support Lebanon and against Zionists, contributing money to specific organizations or fundraisers, making direct ties with front groups, engaging in direct action against equipment intended for Zionists, BDS, etc.

    Please stay safe and as healthy as you can.

    • godsvictory [any]
      3 hours ago

      Ideally overthrowing the bourgeoisie in the West ;)

      Any contribution for the anticolonial cause, be it material or immaterial, is cherished. I am afraid I cannot as of now recommend any organisation to donate to for aiding refugees (maybe the red cross and red cresent??) but I will look into it. And thank you for your wishes.

      • Barx [none/use name]
        46 minutes ago

        We're trying ha ha but I think it will be some time!

        Thank you for the information and your participation here

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    3 hours ago

    I wish I had a more salient question. All I knew of Lebanon before recent events was a song I stumbled upon called Lebanon by Ondara. Is there anything you're hoping we'd ask?

    What does the billions and billions of dollars from America to Israel turn into on the ground? Combatants in vibranium armor armed with hospital seeking missiles?

    What is the most influential way you've found to write about leftism and convincing people to give a shit about victims of the genocidal entity?

    • godsvictory [any]
      1 hour ago

      The genocidal entity is not a controversial matter here of course so there is no need for convincing. As for leftism, I think I had a bit of luck with the legal pieces I wrote concerning labor law and unions for an online magazine. I expected the publisher to censor the shit out of it since I quoted Lenin and Stalin but surprisingly it was praised.

      The contention towards leftism (soccdem excluded) comes from the decades of indoctrination and anticommunist repression, so a good marxist has to intelligently discuss and write about those matters, aggressive attitude towards our fellow proletarians leads to nowhere. Reading Freire's pedagogy was very helpful in this respect. I'm also writing my own book on related matters so I hope this could contribute to anything fruitful.

  • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]
    3 hours ago

    What are some things in your life right now that give you a sense of joy, if only for a while?

    I love you and wish the best for you. As little as that's worth.

    • godsvictory [any]
      3 hours ago

      Writing, reading and composing music. I'm working on so many recreational projects to the point of exhaustion. But it makes me the happiest goober.

      Also the walks in nature.

  • EstraDoll [she/her]
    4 hours ago

    How much of a case for optimism do you feel there is right now? Are we witnessing the start of some even darker times than we have seen in the last year or are these the last dying spasms of the Zionist project? And how does your opinion on this match your neighbors, colleagues, friends and family?

    • godsvictory [any]
      3 hours ago

      No optimism in sight. The Zionist entity is far from collapsing anytime in the foreseeable future considering all the funding it gets from the West. I think its destiny is connected with that of the United States. Keep in mind that this is not our first war with the entity.

      From the Lebanese point of view, the curewnt zeitgeist is a pessimistic one, almost to a numbing effect. In 2019, mass protests occured against the sectarian establishment. In 2020, the economic crisis happened. Also 2020 vovid happened and has only died down (or given less attention) in late 2023. And now the Israeli invasion.

      As a leftist, I look at the issues from the feasibility of a proletarian revolution which had looked hopeful prior to 7 october with how the economy was moving. But the working class is still divided by culture wars and strategies employed by the sectarian bourgeoisie. In 2022-23 a surge against syrian refugees and immigrants took place, officials here like in Europe claim that the immigrants are the reason for the economic crisis to alleviate their responsibility from the mess they created since the 90s due to neoliberal austerity measures. Anyways I am digressing. Point is, we need rebuild the political left as well as the labor movement. These opinions do not reflect those of the average Lebanese.