Unironically lower living standards is how we fight climate change. No cars, no meat, no kids, no electronics, no plastics, no paper. Most of the world is doing fine without it.
It was 99 cents when drumpf was president
There is no alternative, private transportation was a mistake and the future will be public transportation that will not include rural and suburban areas.
Seethe and take public transportation oh wait there is none! :die:
Imaging ghosting ghosts. Spooky :maxsternerincatearsgoingnyan:
A man about to learn how far his anus can be stretched.
IDK, the Chinese aren't allowed on this site.
But what if I'm not horny?
FR American handegg should be banned, especially when it involves kids. That just pisses me the fuck off when parents subject their kids to a sport that leaves permanent brain damage. Same with hockey, come at me you child murdering canooks.
The sub and podcast was class reductionist trash, good riddance.