I think pocket and quite the slew of unrelated features disagrees with you. Seems like most browsers are happy to be the everything app.
I think pocket and quite the slew of unrelated features disagrees with you. Seems like most browsers are happy to be the everything app.
No Herr officer, I was just trying to download my favorite distros, and I don't know where all that Metallica/Disney/Nintendo came from.
Why can't browsers treat torrents as just another protocol for downloads, so that if you haven't got a default set for torrent out magnet mimetypes, it just downloads it in the included download manager?
Never stayed much past lunch, myself. Working in finance
Who is justifying it? To be clear, I'm a pacifist and against all wars. I too believe in the self sovereignty of people. One can be against the Russian invasion, and for the peace treaty that was about to be signed spring 2022 before Boris Johnson came and put a stop to it. Diplomacy over bombs I say, but our leaders see it as economical to fund a war against Russia, so that Ukrainians can fight it instead of our guys. I think that's inhumane and unwise.
Maybe, just maybe, it's not a coincidence that we're supporting Israel, but that we actually might be the bad guys other places as well? Just a thought, since your post is titled after the slogan of genocidal nazis and our role in the lead up to the Russian invasion https://youtu.be/LL4eNy4FCs8
Sounds like it. He was into cybernetics and systems theory, anyways.
This graph just shows how the three (china, us, eu) are pretty much equal, adjusted for population. If anything, it looks like EU and US are ahead. Without more context, it doesn't prove anything, other than China being the larger economy.
I think she meant it in the prescriptive sense.
Curious: why is the author not able to find Chinese statistics of public vs private ownership in the economy? The information must surely be there, yet they only use western sources, as well (?) as ILO.
Citation needed.
The burden of proof is on you, since you are making extraordinary claims. No matter, here:
https://rsf.org/en/ranking china nr 173
https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=1000:50002:0::NO:50002:P50002_COMPLAINT_TEXT_ID:4341007 one of many cases. Are you allowed to start a union in China? Doesn't seem like it.
https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/cs181/projects/2010-11/FreedomOfInformationChina/great-firewall-technical-perspective/index.html Re firewall - information blockade and surveillance != Worker control nor sovereign internet.
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9049298 One of thousands scholarly articles on this. Next youre gonna tell me IEEE is revisionist?
https://ourworldindata.org/working-hours 2200 working hours pr year is ridiculous!
You're not really convincing me that China is a good example of worker control. Let me ask you something:
Lack of press freedom, organization freedom, social credit system, great firewall of China, over 2000 work hours pr year (France has 1500), severely low scores in democracy rankings. This doesn't smell much like worker control, more like authoritarianism. But then again, I'm very much from the West. Happy to be educated on my shortcomings in understanding 👍
Well IMHO both USSR and China shows how gaining workers control and keeping it, or moreso making significant headway towards communism, is just much more complicated. Representative worker ownership of the means of production through the state doesn't have a compelling track record. I think it's dishonest, reactionary and anti intellectual to laugh off arguments like that of comrade spood from the screenshot above.
Edit: checked out my claim on calorie intake and discovered it was dubious. Removed, but letting the main argument stay.
Just because a state brands itself socialist doesn't say anything about the level of democracy or workers' control of it.
It's about methodology more than research questions, although they are of course linked. Incorporating digital methods in your humanities project, like GIS, 3D modeling or ABM, will quickly land you in digital humanities. Remember though, humanities have a lot of theory and methodology you might be unfamiliar with as a CS student, so teaming up with someone who has those skills but lack in programming etc. will synergize in this field.
It's hard to go back after Sway/I3 with pywal coloration, when everything is so sluggish in comparison. It's amazing to see gnome and KDE adding like a second to launch/quit of common applications. Tried hyprland, but animations seemed choppy (beefy AMD desktop), has that changed?