It's such a short step between criticizing character design and :reddit-logo: getting racist about the whole thing ("see, diversity bad! :so-true:") that I've decided I kind of just don't give a fuck. PJ's LOTR is only one visualization of the novels, and Tolkien himself had like one line in an appendix about how dwarves of both sexes have beards. Shit, Hugo Weaving was way too old to play an elf that's meant to be ethereally beautiful and youthful, and we all laud that depiction regardless. Tom Bombadil had more narrative impact than the beards of dwarves and that dude's cut from everything.
Say what you will about the Nazis but it's frankly hilarious that they were so ideologically committed to their myth of superiority that they were thoroughly unable to deal with getting rocked from Stalingrad straight down to Berlin.