Proud multicrafter, making cool stuff and all over the Fediverse like a rash. Find my various stuff at

Gamedev alter ego:

  • 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Seems like the specific issue is this:

    • If the community is on your local instance, it doesn't show the instance in the dropdown. If it's a remote instance, it does.

    • However instead of using the actual unique URL of the community, it uses the display name. So in this case and both have their display name set to just "Ireland".

    I think differentiating between local and remote communities is actually pretty useful but obviously the second thing is a problem when you've got competing communities on one server. Which I guess is a thing that people are doing.

    Maybe instead of:

    • Ireland
    • Ireland

    it should be showing

    • Ireland (/c/ireland)
    • Ireland (/c/ireland_on_lemmy)

    which not only fixes this problem but also means you can see how to get to a community to go check it out before posting there (this comes up sometimes in the process of crossposting) and it'll stop, say, a mod giving their community an unrelated name to confuse people into posting something inappropriate or whatever.

    There should probably also be a character limit on the display name because that UK one is obnoxiously taking up all of the horizontal space and leaving no room for its actual identifier.

  • It doesn't directly answer this need, but I think the reality is most viewers aren't on PeerTube at all, they're on Mastodon. And they're using whatever Mastodon client to watch PeerTube videos. Some clients support direct viewing and others will just show up as a link taking them into the browser.

    A dedicated app would be a gamechanger for a very very small number of people, but until that number grows and while everyone is just using other platforms to watch videos, I can understand why nobody's gone to the effort.

  • thegiddystitcher@lemm.eetoPeertube@lemmy.mlScaling PeerTube
    11 months ago

    It might be worth getting in touch with the admin of (if you haven't already) as we've had a similar influx there. They've posted updates letting us know everything is ok for now, but that it might not be if we keep getting this YouTube migration happening.

    I've already offered to help with non-technical stuff there but the tech side is over my head, sorry. Hopefully if PT admins work together like a lot of the Lemmy admins do there's more chance of a plan that works for everyone.

  • I didn't really know what I wanted to be, but in hindsight it's mostly because I didn't really know any options. In a small town in the 90s it was finish school, then go work in a shop (girls) or a factory (boys). That was the assumption and basically the whole career "advice" setup at my school.

    So it kinda makes sense that nobody there seemed to have any ambitions.

    Thankfully, I eventually found out that you're allowed to work with computers. Maybe someone would've mentioned that to me earlier if I'd been male but again, 90s. I taught myself web development, made a living off that for a while, eventually had enough and pivoted into being a small-time craft YouTuber!

  • Hi! Thanks for dropping in. I've already been searching through the various issues etc trying to get my head around what's an ongoing discussion and where certain features are at, will definitely write up some concrete suggestions when I get chance. Although in terms of the first item on the list there, just fixing the instance search to search more than 25 would be a good start, haha!

    No shade though, I know how much work this all must be. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute, even if it's just through improving documentation and getting the word out a bit through my incessant walls of text like this one.

    Seriously thanks for all the work you put into this!