ultracringe [none/use name]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2021


  • Even getting them to do meatless Mondays would be a Herculean feat. Don't you know that murder is a part of tradition? It's ok because they blessed the animal or thanked their corpse or some shit. Wow, why didn't Booth think of that before he killed Lincoln? He could've gotten away of it if he blessed Lincoln before doing the act! Smh so stupid of him. In the meantime why don't we bring back human sacrifices in all parts of the world because it's traditional? Also lmfao at the idea that indigenous hunting is any more justifiable because they have some sort of special connection to nature. Hunters are outdoorsmen in the same way that Jack the Ripper was a lady's man.

    Wait a second, I'm getting word that comparing murder to murder is insensitive for some reason.