• GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
    2 years ago

    I'm a meat eater and this is stupid. No disabled people? Yeah I'm sure vegans are gonna kill everyone in a wheelchair and all the hearing impaired because like 1000 people at the absolute most i can imagine physically cannot be vegan. I find it dramatically more likely some tiny amount of meat production, maybe just blood production or something idk, or perhaps ethical hunting would occur for this tiny tiny amount of people.

    • Slaanesh [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Or just straight up lab grown meat. We're getting closer and closer to it being indistinguishable, and removing the moral argument, there will be massive strides in lessening the carbon impact.

      • kristina [she/her]
        2 years ago

        yeah lab grown eggs, chicken, and blood are already reaching mass scale in china. give it another 10 years and itll be way more common

    • SerLava [he/him]
      2 years ago

      For anyone like,

      hunting? what?

      It's certainly morally better than factory farming, for several reasons, most of which are obvious to the audience here. But many don't consider:

      Firstly, in many places, hunting is a replacement for extinct natural predators, and fills a massive gap in the food chain. Those populations need to be restored, but that will never happen if certain prey species aren't managed, because for instance deer can overgraze, wipe out certain herbivores, destroy cover for rodents, cause swings and crashes in raptor populations, and literally create soil erosion and damage the geography of areas.

      Secondly, when you assume it's a wild animal being hunted, remember what a wild animal is. And remember that animal welfare is about what happens to animals, not specifically about what people do.

      CW: death

      If you are a wild animal, you will die in one of three primary ways:

      • getting shot in the heart, wondering what the fuck that noise was, and falling over
      • traumatic injury leading to constant unremitting pain, disability and slow, excruciatingly painful starvation
      • having wild dogs plunge their head into your ass to pull out your intestines while you watch for 2 or 3 hours