Last month 15 Democratic House members traveled to Israel as part of a delegation sponsored by the liberal Zionist group J Street. According to a new Jewish Insider interview with Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA), the congresswoman pushed the delegation to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and was “extremely impressed with his willingness to..grapple with us [on] some of the toughest issues that Israel’s facing.”

In January, Porter launched a Senate campaign to succeed Senator Dianne Feinstein in 2024. Fellow California Representatives Adam Schiff and Barbara Lee are also running for the seat.

Porter told JI’s Matthew Kassel that Netanyahu was “extremely generous both with his time and with his thoughts” and that the J Street group was “really able to have an interactive dialogue with him. Advertisement

“I was extremely impressed with his willingness to kind of grapple with us at some of the toughest issues that Israel’s facing, everything from judicial reform — an issue that we’re having questions and discussions about right now within the Democratic Party here in the United States — to issues about the West Bank and about settlements,” said the congresswoman.


  • lutteurdeclasse2 [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    '[We] emphasized, and I think Netanyahu emphasized back, that there’s a long-term project here, which is to have a vibrant, secure Jewish democratic state of Israel ' about to say the 14 words