where an impoverished young woman is trying to sell herself into slavery and the game presents the most ethical outcome as helping her negotiate a better contract for her indentured servitude?

Looking back those games were Fukuyama'd as shit, jfc

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    What if instead of Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism you just had space liberalism? Go down the wrong elevator in the Citadel and you're in a slum with roving criminal gangs everywhere. Shepard even starts as a Jack Bauer super troop with a license to murder anyone

    • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Shepard even starts as a Jack Bauer super troop with a license to murder anyone

      Which makes it even more obnoxious (and liberal) when the capitalist asshole on Novaria (the snow world with the labs in ME1) refuses to comply, and you are given no option to threaten him or escalate violence towards him, you can only get him on a corruption charge.

      It would be one thing if they gave you an option to threaten to kill him, and he simply made a greater threat in return ("my mercenaries outnumber you, we could disappear even a specter, etc."), but the fact that you just aren't permitted to enact violence against the capitalist, even when you supposedly have galactic authority to kill anyone, is perfect liberalism.

      • Bluegrass_Buddhist [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        And remember! Killing the last queen of a sentient eusocial species that had been subjected to a galactic genocide and subsequent military expermients is presented as morally equivalent to letting her live.

        I don't think I even need to mention the genophage storyline

        • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
          1 year ago

          they never also never bring up the Rachni again regardless of the choice. It’s so odd to me from a “lore” perspective they say this race is like super important and no one seems to care if you kill her, and just vibes out of you free her. Seems really weird to never bring them up again across your multi-game adventures

          • Darth_Reagan [they/them, comrade/them]
            1 year ago

            She is in ME3, and has a cameo/reference in ME2.

            In ME3 she will appear as clone if you killed her, and betray you if you give the mind controlled clone a second chance. If you saved her in ME1, she will assist you in the final battle if you save her from the Reaper's mind control device.

            In ME2 an Asari who is a member of her hivemind colony will approach you and thank you, in addition to updating you on her progress and informing you that she intends to assist you when the Reapers inevitably return.

          • barrbaric [he/him]
            1 year ago

            I thought they showed up in ME3 as reaper'd enemies regardless of the choice you'd made?

    • Bluegrass_Buddhist [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Suddenly flashing back to that one dialogue where a human woman is desperately trying to get her mixed human/asari daughter out of a warzone and the galactic beuracrat she's speaking to initially won't do anything until the woman gives an emotional Sorkin speech that changes the beuracrat's mind.

      • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        I still like the first game the best, despite all the shit politics the world is interesting and I love the atmosphere and the sorta Star Trek-y clean utopian scifi atmosphere the game has. And while I love Sovereign and the lore surrounding the Reapers in the first game, I honestly feel they should have been a one and done threat.

        All the trite "chosen one saves the world from an ancient evil" mystery bullshit completely sucked the air out of cool stories they could have done within that universe, especially since they ended up completely wrecking said universe for the sake of it

        • TyMan210 [he/him, comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          It's unfortunate, there was originally a whole "dark energy" storyline that was supposed to provide an actual justification for the reapers and become the main story after they were gone. If I remember right, the gist was that the mass relay-based tech that keeps being re-developed in every cycle effects space-time in a way that would threaten life across the universe if it was used at too big of a scale, so the reapers regularly purge advanced civilizations to keep it from getting developed too much, to preserve life in the rest of the universe. But we would only find this out after stopping the reapers, so then the story becomes finding a way to stop it from happening without having to resort to cyclical genocide. They started hinting at it in ME2 so they could do the big plot twist in ME3, but then there was a change in the writing staff after 2 came out, and between that and 3 being rushed so much, it was never picked back up. Except for the sort of half-assed reworking of it for the plot of Andromeda lol

    • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Shepard even starts as a Jack Bauer super troop with a license to murder anyone

      And humans have to save all the other species in the Citadel by eschewing their bureaucracy and sending Jack Bauer to kick some ass. Humanity in ME is basically just Space America and the whole thing is a justification for American militarism.