Sometimes, we eat during meetings - or rather, they eat. I can confirm from the food served and their willingness to eat it that very few, if any of them, are vegan. I always decline food but don't say why, but eventually, I'm sure someone's going to ask.

And that's the moment I've been dreading. I've been on Hexbear since it first went online. I've seen, firsthand, how much non-vegans - even the communists here, who have better politics than 99% of the people I know - fucking hate us. I'd go so far as to say at this point that I'd be more comfortable telling an average lib I'm vegan than I would a communist. At least the lib will probably just see it as a strange personal choice rather than accusing me of being a fifth columnist.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I notice you're a pretty recent reg so you haven't been around for most of it, but we regularly have to deal with shit like this in our own comm. Hell, even in my recent thread asking for more community mods, we had like three different people come in to antagonize us. I'd go so far as to say pockets of Reddit are more vegan-friendly than anywhere on Hexbear because places like r/vegancirclejerk have large and active mod teams that quickly take out the trash.

    • MF_COOM [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I've been here since day one, this is just a new account.

      I didn't really see any evidence that we're inherently hated here from what you posted. Comrades disagreeing about whether veganism is communism isn't hating your comrade. I'm not saying it has never happened, but thinking it happens so much that you couldn't expect any other response from your fellow organizers feels a bit off.

      • BeamBrain [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I think "Y'all really have perfected the art of the moralist bludgeon" in response to trying to clarify my position - again, in our own comm - goes a bit beyond mere disagreement.

        • MF_COOM [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Sounds like they were frustrated at the conversation to me. If someone in my life responds that way to me I don't assume they hate me.

          • BeamBrain [he/him]
            1 year ago

            I could see that if it happened once, but I've seen so many people deliberately come into this community to argue and respond like this when we try to explain ourselves that I can't attribute it to anything except active, sustained hostility.