Hardcore gamer = someone who plays only cinematic grizzed white dude games and/or military fetishizing FPS

Casual gamer = anyone that is not a 15-25 yo male, and/or plays anything outside of the previously mentioned games, especially if those games are colorful.

So basically the gaming community is full of gatekeeping, misogyny, toxic masculinity and general chuddery. They make sure they're the loudest voice heard when anything about games is talked about, and won't be happy until all games a homogenous stream of bland, hyper-realistic but with a grey filter slog of mindless action with no heart or soul. And don't you dare force them to read any dialogue or story.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Same way that Harry Potter became a cultural icon, very fucking aggressive marketing to burn it into peoples brains everywhere they look. This isn't a joke btw Harry Potter is an example of some of the most aggressive book/mass media marketing ever done and set a precedent for extracting as much capital as one can from a source.

    Agreed, and as another example, Game of Thrones was the Grown-Ass-Adultman version of the same kind of aggressive pervasive marketing and media exposure. I tried to watch that edgy hog slop many times, including "this part will hook you" awooga libertarian-alert hypersus clips recommended by associates, and long after I gave up and wanted to just ignore it I kept getting media blasted, everywhere, even in like doctor's office waiting rooms, with magazines with front page WHO MURDERFUCKED THEIR WAY TO THE IRON THRONE THIS WEEK?! DAE LE RED WEDDING DAE LE SHAME hog slop smeared all over them.

    I learned way too much about that show through sheer involuntary oversaturation. It's like it soaked through my skin. kombucha-disgust

    • Bloobish [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Yeah GoT was an interesting watch for me during college and was something that was a insta conversation starter whenever you just met someone and knew jackshit about them but were sure they at least watched GoT. It was also pretty amazing to watch it get morphed into another HBO skinemax show with similar asthetics very quickly (then again the books themselves also have some squick as well so GRR doesn't come off completely clean).

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        (then again the books themselves also have some squick as well so GRR doesn't come off completely clean)

        As far as I'm concerned he's creepier in some ways than the show's douche directors considering how much detail he put into sexually describing children. It's one thing to claim "oh that's historically accurate" and another to describe children in SV situations with the same exhausting detail that he put into describing feasts and gory torture. libertarian-alert

        At least the "D&D" douches aged up the Daenerys character before creeping on her actress to the point of almost making her quit then retaliating against her refusing to do as many awooga scenes on camera after the first one made her cry in a non acting way on set because it was contractually coerced out of her. They bragged out loud about wrecking her character on purpose and killing her off in such a petty and cheap way near the end because they didn't like how uppity she was getting.

        That entire franchise is cursed and I hope it fades from cultural memory like some flash in the pan hype fads do.

        • Bloobish [comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          Yeah it's honestly amazing how the PR on GoT kept a lot of those issues out of public site and memory though D&D butchering Daenarys' character during the end really pissed off a lot of the fandom into either perpetually memory holing or hating the show with nothing inbetween. Like it's amazing to see a property so quickly and utterly become culturally irrelevant and I can only hope Harry Potter sees a similar fate eventually.

          I always found the "historical accuracy" claim on SA being acceptable in "non-modern" times being really a shit excuse by creeps given how there's lots of cases of peasantry laws having stuff such as freaking trial by combat between women accusing men of SA and being able to bludgeon them to death, I honestly feel that though SA happened our own perceptions on it are shaped by how SA was literally legal and officiated by the catholic church for married couples as it became a dominant legal figurehead as it expanded into Europe and was then carried into the US and it's own legalalized statutes on legal abuse towards women.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            I always found the "historical accuracy" claim on SA being acceptable in "non-modern" times being really a shit excuse by creeps given how there's lots of cases of peasantry laws having stuff such as freaking trial by combat between women accusing men of SA and being able to bludgeon them to death, I honestly feel that though SA happened our own perceptions on it are shaped by how SA was literally legal and officiated by the catholic church for married couples as it became a dominant legal figurehead as it expanded into Europe and was then carried into the US and it's own legalalized statutes on legal abuse towards women.

            I feel the same way.

            I also think it's an absurd argument to make when the "historically accurate fiction based upon The War Of The Roses(tm)" has highly historically inaccurate costumes, modern mannerisms and smirk-laden sarcastic quipping, a gross misunderstanding of feudalism as a political system where it's basically a corporate boardroom with swords, and of course it has fucking dragons and ice zombies in it.

            Usually "historical accuracy" just means chud politics us-foreign-policy or hog feeding awooga libertarian-alert hypersus