Yeah her takes are pretty lukewarm. She's just like "it'd be cool if we had some female characters that don't exist as ornaments and have some agency" and straight up starts all the videos in her series off with this:
Give a Zelda game a 7/10 as a reviewer and will froth for years about it, up to and including death threats, doxxing, stalking, and suspicious packages being mailed over.
I remember when gamers made a flash game where you punched her in the face complete with blackening her eyes or busting her lip.
Extremely normal people having a normal reaction to a woman who mildly critiqued their hobby.
Treat defenders get even scarier out in the internet wild.
"Technically it's ephebophilia" they insist as we shove them all in the
Yeah her takes are pretty lukewarm. She's just like "it'd be cool if we had some female characters that don't exist as ornaments and have some agency" and straight up starts all the videos in her series off with this:
Proof you can't give gamers an inch without them going berserk.
Give a Zelda game a 7/10 as a reviewer and will froth for years about it, up to and including death threats, doxxing, stalking, and suspicious packages being mailed over.
if only the game could have punched them back