• duderium [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I thought they were keeping Feinstein on adrenochrome because they don’t want her to be replaced by Barbara Lee, the one person in the house who voted against starting the Afghanistan War?

    • riseuppikmin [he/him]
      1 year ago

      It's actually funnier/worse than that.

      The Biden administration can't seat judicial picks without Feinstein because in their infinite wisdom democratic leadership chose a geriatric 86 year old to be on probably one of the most important committees in congress because she was still in "better" condition (it was already known that she'd complained of forgetfulness at the time she was selected to be on the committee).

      Republicans have said they will absolutely not seat/allow a replacement (via filibuster) and the dems won't/can't end the filibuster so they're stuck with this weekend at Bernie's situation if they want any more judicial appointments this term.

      For anyone who has to deal with smug annoying liberals in any capacity- this is a great way to dunk on their leadership and call out how inept they are at really basic risk management. I've found it really gets under their skin when you continue to press how terrible they are at really obvious components of their jobs.

        • huf [he/him]
          1 year ago

          not that incredible when you consider that they put the handcuffs on voluntarily... the republicans just have to push the ends together until it clicks.

          • nohaybanda [he/him]
            1 year ago

            Oh no step brother GOP, I’m stuck in the washing machine. Again.