New account but I've been using burner accounts and lurking since the sub got banned. I've been seeing all the standard liberal brainworms again for the first time since reddit-logo and everytime it's an account from another federation. I was tepidly against federation at first but this has been entertaining, like the old days of pigpoop people who wandered into the sub.

I gotta imagine this will only last another week before everyone defederates us, but let's enjoy it for now.

  • NoGodsNoMasters [they/them, she/her]
    11 months ago

    Well they apparently haven't defedded with Nazis, so that kinda indicates maybe they're into freeze-peach and wouldn't defed. On the other hand you know how libs can be (.world was more eager to defed us than they were with Nazis before)

    • sovietknuckles [they/them]
      11 months ago

      .world was more eager to defed us than they were with Nazis before

      and Nazis after