Hexbear has been getting a lot more attention and activity as of late, and while it is very fun to dunk on the new people posting on the site in bad faith, a post to appreciate the new good faith users contributing to the site seems like a great idea.

So, what new users do you appreciate, and what should other potential new users do to get the same reception?

  • Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    I am just proud of how welcoming and wholesome Hexbear has been towards anyone and everyone who comes in with an open mind, how well-sourced and carefully worded everyone's discussion has been. It has proven handily to me that all these bad-faith, close-minded libs visiting and complaining about this community being toxic or disingenuous are simply not willing to engage in genuine discussion. The huge threads with people asking questions and getting the most solid, coherent answers one can ask for bring a deep warmth to my heart.

    So as someone who's been part of the CTH / Hexbear community for several years, I wanna welcome all those people. Care-Comrade I hope you can make it through all the insanely preposterous meme shit and learn some things that you won't learn anywhere else. Always remember that above everything else, what Hexbears want is what real communists want: for humanity to be united and uplifted through goodhearted cooperation.