Hello Blahaj users,

Unfortunately we have been discussing defederation. I would like for this to be sorted out, but our trans and disabled users deserve to be protected from transphobia and ableism. We know these are behaviors are perpetrated by a minority of Blahaj users, but they are tolerated here in the form of the 196 community. Of course, most Hexbear users are willing to re-federate once this bigoted community is removed. The admin Ada has been very helpful and I have faith in her to do the right thing for the safety of her community members.

In the meantime, I would like to extend an invitation to all leftists here to make an account on Hexbear. As long as you are anti-capitalist, you will be welcome there. We are hyper-inclusive and are strict against all forms of bigotry. There has been much disinformation spread about us, so if you have good faith questions, feel free to ask. We are not “pro-Russia” as many of our detractors claim, we are anti-NATO, as they perpetuate the amerikan empire. Please ask us anything in this thread!

We hope this defederation is temporary, or better yet, never comes. We do not wish to split two large queer instances just weeks after federating, but we must do what we think is right.

Trans rights forever! trans-heart

    • @Catoblepas@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      10 months ago

      Yeah this isn't outreach or conflict resolution, it's an ad, lol. Which I don't really care if people advertise other instances, the whole point of the fediverse hinges on not centralizing anything. Just don't treat me like I'm too stupid to know an ad when I see it.

      • @audiomodder@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        10 months ago

        If I didn’t know OP from other meta threads I would say they’re trying to cause drama. But I don’t think that’s the case. I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

        • @Catoblepas@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          10 months ago

          OP is conflating the actions of one? a couple of? mods (I'm not sure because none of the images posted on hexbear actually load for me) with the entire 196 community, it seems bad faith to me. And because I get the feeling other people are going to interpret this disingenuously, anyone using or tolerating slurs should be demodded and warned or removed from the instance.

          I've also had enough not-great experiences from leftists who proclaim how inclusive they are while being unable/unwilling to recognize and address transphobia (ableism, racism, etc) without it being like pulling teeth every single time that I see no reason personally to move from a trans operated instance to one that isn't. Given how the internet and climate is at this point in time I simply do not trust cis people to be reliable about this. If that's not a hard line for anyone else that's understandable.

          • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]
            10 months ago

            yea bc its the whole 196 comm. it always has been vaushit chaser bigots.

            you see ppl who dont want to genocide trans ppl and think theyre the epitome of trans inclusion. chasers fetishize us and are harmful to our community.

            and btw, half the mods of hexbear are trans. we uphold TransComrade69 thought and actively purge all transphobes

      • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]
        10 months ago

        yes, i am advertising an instance that doesnt condone chasers and other bigotry. sue me. im getting paid big soros bucks to be trans and communist. im not treating you like ur stupid, im trying to reach out. i asked for you all to ask questions abt hexbear and instead i get ignorance and defense of ableism and transphobia

    • @bloopernova@infosec.pub
      10 months ago

      It's a troll. That's what they do. I've seen it so many times with the goons from something awful taking over EVE Online, the_donald doing their utmost to ruin reddit, 4chan raids, etc etc ad nauseam.

      The common thread is trolls hiding behind an ideology because it allows them to act out and get attention.

      The only way to deal with them is to force them out and ignore them. Don't engage. Don't fight. Just ban, ignore, move on.

      • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]
        10 months ago

        oh no! you got me! im a troll! yeah im only pretending to care abt transphobia and ableism. 26 day old acct with 1 comment, tell me im not trans. show us how transphobic u are