Comments are removed here on hexbear because our mods are awesome and banned that chud but if you want to see his bullshit its over there. He goes on to say that nonbinary identities are incompatible with gender abolition and shit.

  • ewichuu
    1 year ago

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    • ReadFanon [any, any]
      1 year ago

      It's because they are doing what libs to and universalising their own experience (I get my opinions from social media sites like R*ddit and YouTube), applying Orientalist and neo-red scare notions (Chiner controls TikTok and it's corrupting the minds of the innocent!!), and then projecting this out onto communists (therefore communists get their opinions directly from TikTok).

      You see this same thing coming from Va*shite hives on places like r*ddit; they ask the circlejerk why tankies are tankies and the answers are invariably that tankies are such because:

      • They are dogmatically anti-American

      • They have a latent desire to have authority over others and they're using the guise of socialism as an attempt to create this set of social relations

      • They are crypto-fash

      • They want an excuse to worship dictators

      • They are brainwashed children who are ideological weathervanes

      Imo this speaks more about the person expressing these views that it does about what tankies actually believe and how they arrived at their politics. They're essentially just telling on themselves without even realising.

      Most Va*shites and baby leftists are in their late teens or early 20s.

      Most Va*shites just want an excuse to denounce "authoritarian" leaders (i.e. those who are opposed to western liberal hegemony.)

      Most Va*shites are incredibly comfortable with Va*sh cosying up to the far right and handling them with kid gloves, with regurgitating far right talking points and in adapting the phraseology of the far right (VDS, anyone?), and in excusing circa-fascistic actions of NATO and the US armed forces abroad as well as domestically (strange how they were so vehemently opposed to the concentration camps on the border right up until Biden came in and, despite interning more migrants in those concentration camps and continuing the construction of the border wall, you don't hear a peep about it from them today.)

      They (obviously) are ideological weathervanes and they'll agree wholeheartedly with Va*sh's anti-trans rhetoric or his anti-PoC rhetoric and then they'll turn around and claim that they're pro-trans and that they care for PoC, and they have zero theoretical grounding for their political beliefs.

      In my experience, whenever I've drawn one of these clowns into regurgitating the position that Marx was anti-authoritarian or that I'm just a stupid tankie who is indoctrinated and who hasn't actually read any theory, as soon as I start flexing my fluency in Marxist theory and knowledge of Marx's position on authority (including with quotes) they fall silent immediately and scurry back to their echo chambers where they can find people to reaffirm their beliefs and preconceived notions because the cognitive dissonance is too much for them to handle.

      • ewichuu
        1 year ago

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          • ewichuu
            1 year ago

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            • ThereRisesARedStar [she/her, they/them]
              1 year ago

              It is desirable and necessary for an expert in the production process to have a position of intrinsic authority in their purview though, is part of what the essay argues.

              • ewichuu
                1 year ago

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                • ThereRisesARedStar [she/her, they/them]
                  1 year ago

                  Have you seen insulin production plants or microchip production plants that will just let somebody do something dangerous to themselves or the production process contrary to what the person in charge demands? Could a non-employee just walk into a clean room past security?

                  When things get big enough you start to need both kinds of authority.

                  • ewichuu
                    1 year ago

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                    • ThereRisesARedStar [she/her, they/them]
                      1 year ago

                      I'll note places like the soviet union had much more horizontalism in authority than the "central authority" notion. This is one of the reasons cybernetics weren't adopted well, because the person developing computing for planned economies had a view of the Soviet planning structure as more of a pyramid of heirarchy than it was.

                      Taking this from another angle, there are limited resources in the middle of the revolution. In the time it would take to get nazis to recognize your mandate/expertise without the threat of force/use of force will they have done more damage than what would have been done to them by appealing to the authority of "we have more power than you, do what we say"?

                      What amount of "obey me because you have to" is reasonable when dealing with ardent fascists?

                      • ewichuu
                        1 year ago

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                        • ThereRisesARedStar [she/her, they/them]
                          1 year ago

                          but if I recall correctly, didn't the USSR had to do massive purges because a nazi wing of government that wanted to overthrow everything was forming and getting into crucial positions of power though?

                          There was the initial purge of government and then there was the purge of the military a little bit before ww2. The thing is, the purges worked to prevent reactionary elements for a while, and then 1/6 of all Soviets died defeating fascism and you lost basically two generations of the most ardent communists and the government got taken over by reformists. I don't think a decentralized system would have worked better, using the Spanish Civil War as an example.

                          as for the question I'm not really sure, I don't think any amount is going to make the fascists "bend the knee", I honestly think it'd be better to just exile them

                          I mean exile is basically the death penalty. I dont see how you can oppose forcing them to do things for their own good and support just killing them.

                          i think people less extremely against the new systems should for the most part be more open to collaborate if they find out they have an actual, tangible and real say in things, forcing may have the opposite effect

                          There were soviet forced labor camps whos entire purpose was to demonstrate to reactionaries the new, collaborative way of working. They were paid a good wage and not alienated from their labor like under capitalism, and they could go into town, visit family, etc so long as they kept showing up and doing what needed to be done. The entire point was to forcefully show them the advantages to them of the changes in society.

                          • ewichuu
                            1 year ago

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