1 - The Holocaust (new star of david pinned to their shirt for each additional minor inconvenience)

2 - 1984

3 - MLK (additional usefulness as a smokescreen to deflect from their rabid racism)

They can’t think of anything else, like, ever.

    • MultigrainCerealista [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      The reason 1984 is promoted so hard is because Orwell called himself a socialist who hated Stalin, so checkmate, and they just ignore the fact he was a British colonial police officer, a minor aristocrat, his father made money selling opium to China, he was educated at fucking Eton, and his more autobiographical works include pretty explicit scenes about how he regularly raped Burmese women as a police officer and he’d dismiss the men for their “sneering yellow faces.”

      The guy is such a piece of shit. He hated the fact that he was born poor because he felt that as minor nobility he was entitled to wealth. That’s all his socialism ever was, the angst of someone who identified as petit bourgeois and is angry that they in fact have to work for a living.

      He was a coward in the Spanish civil war. He was given a place on the front lines in the foreign communist brigades which is avoided by hiding out on a rooftop in the relatively quiet Aragorn sector (he likes to call it the Aragorn “front”, just like the Lviv “front” in Ukraine today there’s nothing going on there), spending his time drinking wine, reading novels, and writing dispatches that made it sound like he wasn’t a hundred kilometers or more from the actual front line.

      It was only when a friend, a communist friend, called him out on this that he actually went to the front, was immediately wounded, and returned to Barcelona and then to London.

      Since he took a bullet his status of war hero was achieved and so he spent the rest of the war undermining the communist faction, accusing them of “in fighting” when it was him that was literally devoting his time to angry gamer rants.

      Fuck Orwell. Eliot Blair is a wannabe patrician. He wasn’t even a “democratic socialist”. His only actual contribution to the world was to romanticize the Spanish civil war somewhat which did help raise money from the sympathetic but inactive British libs but that pales in comparison to his history of raping Burmese women, of serving the British colonial empire, of selling out communists to the British establishment especially black and homosexual communists, and his writing style isn’t even that good.

      Here’s a quote from George Orwell when approach by the BBC’s “eastern service” (the equivalent of Radio Free Europe cia shit but for the bbc, his job was to target India)

      I accept absolutely the need for propaganda to be directed by the [British] government.

      What a socialist!!!!