For the older posters here, you know the drill. No struggle sessions, keep it nice.

For the newer folks, hi! I'm Corgi! I made these threads from time to time to see if everyone is doing OK. Got something cool you wanna talk about? Need an ear for venting? This is your space! Just be nice, this isn't the thread for arguments.

I made a down payment for next year's wedding recently, and I've been having a BLAST with the Retroid 3+. I've been going to the bar with the pup the last few days and just sitting with a pint and playing MVC2, Twisted Metal Black, Smash, and Mario. Met another Hexbear IRL recently, that was nice!

Hope everyone is doing well! Remember, you are loved stalin-heart

  • GeorgeZBush [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Eh. Mixed bag. I finished my doxycycline treatment for Lyme and feeling maybe 75% better than I did a few weeks ago. Hope it continues to improve.

    Girl I was casually seeing decided to break things off, which is good because I really wasn't feeling it either. Just mildly distraught because, even though it was mutual, I'm genuinely starting to wonder if I'm actually dateable. I'm kind of weird and have niche interests and am generally pretty aimless in life. So not really an ideal partner for anyone. I know the answer is to just fix those things but...

    Otherwise I've decided to actually start going to a gym. I've done light home workouts before but never actually gone to a real gym. I know everyone feels some level of embarrassment at first but I'm nervous. I'm so clearly not fit (6'4 lanklet) that it'll be rough at first, I'd imagine. But maybe it's the sort of routine that I need.