I’ve been having a number of conversations on Hexchan recently trying to make sense of their politics. The most common instance of their hateful hypocrisy I’ve encountered is this constant assurance that they support trans people while immediately attacking and dog piling and trans people who point out that the situation would be much worse under Trump.

The hexchanners who aren’t actively Russian trolls seem to be little more than useful idiots for conservatives, minimizing the damage they do to vulnerable populations and engaging in high school level pettiness and hate.


    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      10 months ago

      None of this will get better after the next election, regardless of who wins. The ratchet effect works both ways, there is no way to elect yourself out of imperialism.

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Biden literally started a war

      The American plot to drive Ukraine away from Russia goes back at least 10 years. Our plot to stoke fascism there goes back probably 70. Biden was in office when the war popped off, but using Ukraine to antagonize Russia is one of the clearest examples of a bipartisan foreign policy consensus. Had Trump won in 2020 we'd be about where we are now on the war.

      Contrast this with Trump much more literally committing an act of war against Iran by assassinating Qasem Soleimani. This is after he tore up the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal for no reason.

        • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
          10 months ago

          I can see Biden taking a different stance in Ukraine, but I can also see his meeting with Zelensky as being the natural development of the situation. I definitely see Biden's rhetoric towards China as a continuation of Trump's, which was a lot more hostile than Obama's (although that progression I'm guessing was also determined largely by the evolving situation/long-term interests in the area).

            • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
              10 months ago

              Provoking nuclear powers was standard operating procedure for the U.S. until detente. After a short break it again became central U.S. policy with our funding of anti-Soviet terrorists in Afghanistan. In the 90s we openly meddled in Soviet/Russian internal politics and poked the Taiwan bear.

              This is bad, but hardly new.

            • GreatWhiteNope [she/her]
              10 months ago

              To understand how China views Biden’s tech sanctions, you need to read the Chinese sci fi novel Three Body Problem. This is how many people in China are looking at it.

              Could you elaborate a little? I read the plot summary on Wikipedia and am not really getting the connection, but maybe it’s something you can only understand from actually reading.