That's not why I posted this here, though:

The government will also probe the possibility of outlawing the political use of certain symbols, including the swastika as used by Nazi Germany as well as the hammer and sickle that appeared on the former Soviet Union flag.

🇫🇮 🔥 hitler-detector

  • NoLeftLeftWhereILive [none/use name, she/her]
    10 months ago

    As a Finn this whole thing feels like an unmasking of all the stuff that already started to become unmasked during the pandemic. And before that during the austerity years.

    This is a countryvthst had people who kidnapped communists in the 30s. Communists were put in camps during ww2. Our civil war was a class war. Interestingly everyone has forgotten our own history.

    The basic finns have spun things with the exact same playbook that the US fox news types have used. They keep moving goalposts, muddying waters and now we "both sides" this.

    There is a concept called the sameness myth here that explains a lot too. The idea of equality as it has been framed has always been about being "nice and civil", about respecting "both sides". It has always made inequality disappear. It has always been equality for the privileged.

    A proud academic just told me yesterday how happy they were that they were able to sit in the same table and compromise with these peoole who do this. How we can still "find common ground". Then these same people act surprised when the Overton window keeps sliding to the right. It's all about being nice, never kind. Never standing up for anything or saying no.

    Sorry, this really gets under my skin because this was absolutely always going to happen in this socdem hell. I mean we make our unemployed work for 9€/day and call it a social service.

    • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
      10 months ago

      You forgot the tens of thousands of communists who were put in prison camps during the civil war, with thousands of them being executed en masse yea

    • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
      10 months ago

      The basic finns

      glad to see i'm not the only one translating their name like this

      they truly are just the most basic vile shit-eaters that our precious shithole has produced in a while, arent they?

      • NoLeftLeftWhereILive [none/use name, she/her]
        10 months ago

        Yes, the use of this on my part is very intentional when these vile aholes try to portray themselves as "true". Only thing true that they are is evil. A party of school yard bullies.