I'm a big nerd and I've read a lot of books of all different kinds, and I'm an English teacher.

Tell me what you like or what you're looking for and I'll recommend something I think is good

Also, fun history fact, this comm used to be called c/books until I started posting poetry on main every day in protest of there not being a literature comm. Direct action gets the goods comrades

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    9 months ago

    Would you happen to know any good books about linguistics, languages, language learning or teaching, that sort of thing? Preferably around 200-300 pages, fairly light in its writing style (though it can use technical terms), and with information that isn't too beginner-level. This summer I read Because Internet and The Art of Language Invention, and these were the first books that I've actually held in my hands and read from start to finish in... many years.

    So I want more of that, basically.

    • Wertheimer [any]
      9 months ago

      Eliot Weinberger's 19 Ways of Looking at Wang Wei

      David Bellos's Is That a FIsh in Your Ear?: Translation and the Meaning of Everything

      John McWhorter's linguistics books (yes, his politics are absolutely terrible, but ignore his NYT column and his anti-woke book and enjoy stealing and reading Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue and The Language Hoax)

      Andrea Marcolongo's The Ingenious Language, but only if you don't already know Greek. Likewise Mary Norris's book on Greek.

      • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
        9 months ago

        I'd heard of that first one, incidentally, so I really would like to check that one out. Thanks for all the recommendations!