I don't think it's particularly healthy to think of the life of your fellow animal as disposable simply for the sake of your own pleasure.
An anarchist here to ask asinine questions about the USSR. At least I was when I got here.
she/xe/it/thon/ꙮ | NO/EN/RU/JP
I don't think it's particularly healthy to think of the life of your fellow animal as disposable simply for the sake of your own pleasure.
Fiverr is in fact headquartered in "Tel Aviv"
Haw haw, funny joke, but you're not gonna convince me that my dream last night was real.
Looking to cause a 21st century version of the Nauruan Civil War, I guess...
AT Field (Authoritarian Tankie Field)
Same artist also did this with K-On.
The sheer absurdity of someone with those flags in their display name accusing a country of being "imperialist fascists"
There are some cool quirks, but I don't know if I can explain them very well, and several of the quirks I'm thinking of basically ditching because they're just too tedious to use in practice.
I've coined a few basic commie terms, but there's still a lot of holes. The terms I've coined include sotangogestkrungiya (abbrev. STOKiya) for "commodity fetishism", zuveyniya for "communism" as in the mode of production, and zuveynkrungiya for "communism" as in the political ideology, among several others.
It won't be based until it's actually done
To cut a long story short, I collect world flags.
My most developed conlang is called Manjatian.
I have about 25 goals in total, including but not limited to:
That is, indeed, wayeecool.
HELL yeah
REgon getting banned in connection with a struggle session less than a day after posting this comment feels very... Is "apropos" the term I'm looking for?
In any case zhal zhal
[me in a lawn chair next to a home-made trebuchet, chugging a full carton of chocolate pea milk as I watch the US aircraft carrier I just caused to sink]
[The Who - "Baba O'Riley" plays] "Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation."
All North Koreans simultaneously are and are not in prison camps until directly observed, it's basic quantum mechanics sweaty
Hmm... If everyone is already emotionally mature, then a contest like this can't really have a harmful effect, right? So wouldn't the questions then be, 1) what is our "threat model" for users being emotionally immature; and 2) what exactly is the relationship between emotional immaturity and the ability to win contests or be "officially popular"?
'Cause on the one hand, if you win family game night five times in a row and start going "mirror mirror on the wall" about it, would you say that that's the fault of family game night having winners, or is it there an extraneous root cause of that behavior that needs to be addressed instead?
Then on the other hand, Jacob Louis Veldhuyzen van Zanten appearing in loads of KLM promotional material is believed to have contributed to his mental state as his plane barreled down the Los Rodeos runway that fateful day in 1977, and this led to a change in airline culture towards celebrity pilots and the effective end of actual pilots being used in airlines' advertising... Or so I swear I once heard, at least.
...I don't really know where I'm going with this. Family game night and the deadliest aviation disaster in history really have little in common, and neither have much in common with a popularity contest on an obscure communist link aggregation site.
In any case what I can say is that it's probably not the end of the world: I've seen contests like this in other online communities over the years and it's never caused any sort of trouble in practice that I've seen.
However it not causing trouble in practice, so far, that I've seen, doesn't necessarily mean that it actually is completely benign.
This whole paragraph is a bit suspect.