IT'S :vote: TIME. The Queue grows short.

Voting open for the 4th, 11th, 18th, & 25th. Taking top voted nominates (depending on piracy success) for two movies each Friday. Maybe a third if it fits the theme or is really good/bad.

Pre-hosted nominations get extra weight becuase its less work. Dubs preferred over subs because Cytube is indignent about playing subtitle files without heavy cajoling. If it’s currently in theaters or on a streaming service its usually an pain in the ass to find a good torrent in time, but ill look for it anyways because fuck copyright.

Shout out to the Cytube crew, Posters of all shittiness, and to viewers like YOU.

Server Borked. Firing up the old Cytube until posting improves.

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    1 year ago

    It was definitely released and screened but only in a handful of film festivals, e.g. here and here in Europe, it seems.

    I have a strong suspicion that they released this digitally and the film company, Medieoperatørene, uses their vimeo account to allow film festivals to screen the documentary from (hence why it's behind a password).

    Believe me, I've scoured the internet and when you're pulling up random Russian telegram channel posts from 2019 you know that you're balls-deep into the dark reaches of the web lol.
