Say “aye” or yes" if you are in favour defederation.

Say “nay” or “no” if you are against defederation.

Only users who have a account can vote. Fresh accounts won't be counted.

  • Nakoichi [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Yes you should. This instance should not have been federated at all and I regret having voted in favor. You're a bunch of racist fucks.

      10 months ago

      Racist because of one parody image of Xi the Pooh that was clearly not even aimed at Asians in general? Jesus you guys are a bunch of snowflakes. And that's coming from an Asian/Taiwanese myself. We don't need your self imposed superiority to feel sorry for us. We know what's racist and what's not. Thank you.

      • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
        10 months ago

        You can paint the president of the world's largest asian country yellow and I I'll tell you it's fine

        pick me

          10 months ago

          You can depict the current leading party in Taiwan as maggots and I could also tell you it's fine. In fact, people here already do. The CCP just so happens to be that sensitive about a fucking yellow cartoon bear. Hilarious I know. If they someday be also sensitive about a pink alien and we make fun of it, are you going to tell me it's racist against aliens?

          • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
            10 months ago

            Lol stupid black people upset about wide lipstick. It's just fucking lipstick and face paint. Hilarious I know.

            I just came up with this rhetorical strategy of flattening the context of an offensive act so as to present it as being non offensive! I don't know where I got the idea but I sure do feel like I could win an online debate with it.

              10 months ago

              FYI, that meme originated from Chinese social media. If that meme was supposed to be racist, you're essentially saying that Asian people somehow offends other Asians about their skin color being yellow, despite themselves being the same ethnicity.

              You see the problem here?

              • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                10 months ago

                You must be very slow witted to have your "I can't be racist because I'm Asian" argument dismissed so many times now and still drop it like it's a conversation stopper.

                I don't care if it was created in a Wuhan lab. I care how it's deployed. And it doesn't get turned into the west's go to propaganda poster portrait without filling the role of yellow scare racism. It and your juvenile 'cee cee pee' shit has a clear purpose that you're just too much of a troll to speak plainly about.

                  10 months ago

                  And you must be very slow witted to get that Asians here were never insulted because of the meme (except China since they love their leader so much). The meme was never the problem.

                  If you actually cared about Asians, you would have researched in Asian social media or asked Asian people how they think about the picture, and how it relates to racism if any. Racism is a problem in the US yes, but I absolutely do not believe that a meme has that much to do with the core problem with it. Take out the meme, and they would come up with another excuse like COVID to legitimize it in no time. They would happily rally around Trump and spout their racism and fuck China shit because there's another enabler.

                  • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    If you actually cared about Asians you would give a shit about the violent crime rate that's been ballooning in the places using that as racist propaganda hand in hand with covid misinformation

          10 months ago

          From what I see, Hexbears feeling the need to judge others for matters that aren't about themselves, and also don't bother to listen to the people who they think are affected, are the ones who drank the coolaid.

            • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
              10 months ago

              We're talking that the white man is never going to respect anyone who sells out.

              White guy here, born and raised on the brunch steppes. RoomandBored is completely right. My formative years were spent listening to my nice liberal family casually degrade and disparage every other country and it's inhabitants. To them, if you're not from America you're from "some shithole", and you will always be lesser in their eyes. You can try to fit in by throwing others under the bus, but those distant gates of honorary whiteness will never open, and the horrifying part is that there is nothing beyond them anyway. The barrier is the entire thing. You do not want to be "in" with us.

              • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                10 months ago

                and the horrifying part is that there is nothing beyond them anyway. The barrier is the entire thing. You do not want to be "in" with us.

                Big "We have the wall to work upon" energy

              10 months ago

              think that what’s acceptable to apply to a prominent Asian figure is acceptable to apply to all Asians

              I also see US political comics depicting prominent figures of the US as animals, devils, etc. It's a thing they do. Xi the Pooh isn't something new they came up with, so I think that the picture in question has little to do with deep running racism.

              What Uncle Roger went through is sad, but whether it's because of COVID or the picture, they're all just excuses imo. Take one out, and they'll find another as their excuse.

        10 months ago

        They are just larpers that like the whole USSR/CCP asthetic,my advice is to not engage them since they will just piss you of and no valuable conversation is gonna come out from it.

        • Nakoichi [he/him]
          10 months ago

          I am literally an anarchist who has also done more praxis than most of your instance combined.

            • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
              10 months ago

              Yeah i bet theyd be much better off in the other Online Anarchist Spaces, where they have contests to see who can hold the least anarchist value and still call themself one, more time is spent fighting Twitter Stalinists and overseas bureaucrats than asking for clean water for minorities in their own country, and any given user could randomly be a toddler or a DHS sockpuppet. So fun, safe, and productive.

            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
              10 months ago

              Yeah, that time could be spent celebrating worthless morons like Makhno instead of working with people with whom you have common class interests.

            • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
              10 months ago

              People who realize we have more problems than minor theoretical differences? Nakoichi is an actual organizer who works with indigenous people and that deserves respect if you're any kind of leftist

            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
              10 months ago

              One who isn't a moronic splitter and understands that the imperial core is their actual enemy

              10 months ago

              As an anarchist: like all anarchists (in the English speaking West) do this, anarchism is a small movement.

              At the same time, i just spent a bunch of time arguing with a pair of Hexbear accounts that are probably Russian state media so uh... yeesh.

        • Egon [they/them]
          10 months ago

          Lmao the fact that we won't discuss our IRL organising efforts in detail mean we're larpers. Okay fedposting

        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
          10 months ago

          I really don't understand how you could conclude that it was an aesthetic interest

      • Nakoichi [he/him]
        10 months ago

        I'm not debating you I am pointing out a very obvious fact about your community.

          10 months ago

          Oh if it's so obvious you must have plenty of very obvious examples of the entirety of SJW being obviously racist.

          • Egon [they/them]
            10 months ago

            We can start with your comm that has picture of an asian man colored yellow, and then go thru the many users that casually use bigoted language after. Not that you're gonna care, because "good faith discussion" is a city in Greece to you guys.

        • PeoplesRepublicOfNewEngland [he/him]
          10 months ago

          I think you're overcounting, pretty sure anyone who creates a account forfeits their soul and is no longer a person. Maybe there were five that had a soul before they did that idk