• UlyssesT [he/him]
    10 months ago

    One of the biggest chuds in my own family was scared to play that game as a kid because playing as a feeemale would damage his mighty masculinity but he also jacked off endlessly to Lara Croft porn and bragged to strangers about liking porn that "put that (slur) in her place." volcel-judge heated-gamer-moment

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        10 months ago

        He's also fine with Gambo being on TV when his small children are in the room (he's a father, unfortunately) but loudly raged (with them still in the room) about how a gay blowjob scene one time on the show was corrupting his children and that it should be a criminal act to have that where his kids could see it (they could see it because he argued they were "mature for their age" for everything else the show had going on in it until then). frothingfash