Hey! I sometimes have a hard time parsing tone over text. It seems to me others do as well, since I've seen a bunch of people commenting on the levels of irony on hexbear.

While we're all supportive of tone clarifiers, we don't want to use /s because that would turn this instance into Reddit. I sometimes think that sentiment is silly, but I can see where it's coming from and in general I agree with it.

I would however like to ask that we implement a rule so that the question "is this a bit/are you being sarcastic?" Has to be answered with honesty, if the person asked answers. Like you don't have to answer, but if you do you have to be honest.

  • Egon [they/them]
    10 months ago

    its 2AM here and insomnia is a fuck so please remind me.

    Haha yeah I've been on the same train for a while now myself. I've started journaling and then some light stretching half an hour before bed, and that does a lot.

    Do you have any particular comms youd like this for?

    I don't have any particular I was thinking of, I was thinking it would be site-wide like the disengage rule. In general I find it a bit hard to keep up when different Comms have different rules, so I try to just think of them all as general rules.
    But I appreciate the sentiment, and if nothing else happens I'd love to see it implemented in your Comms at least, though I'd prefer it to be site-wide.