you should watch face/off again. do it once a day.
just kissinger. no explanation necessary.
btw he's not dead yet
i'm so depressed about work. it sucks. i miss working on the site.
everyone is doing an incredible job without me though.
idk i just post here
this reminded me of how my manager would go into my rooms before i got to them to steal my tips.
she'd still give me the notes with phone numbers asking me on dates though...
i wonder if there are based dermatologists out there that prescribe spiro to treat "acne" and it gets fully covered by insurance.
one of my docs used to prescribe me zyban instead of wellbutrin which was fully covered by my insurance (same drug but marketed to smokers) to help me out lol
if they have all their timeouts they can call a timeout as they run the play clock out.
if your feminism isn't intersectional, it's not feminism
chapo dot chat is now gaggle. you are all now known as the flock.
screenshots for the blocked, please. (??? lmao)
i primarily use my PC for gaming so it makes no sense to run wine tbh. and i don't dualboot cuz lazy
i stopped running linux because I'm lazy but I did my bootstrapped my first gentoo install when I was 12 using instructions from the internet.
windows for video games now.
"code" and "clean" in the same sentence make me want to scream because of my day job but THANKS _
going to space is kinda cool but not right now :gulag: