"this war is totally about NATO defending innocent Ukrainians from Russia," cries NATO, as it deports innocent Ukrainians back to the war zone. And here's the kicker: The Ukrainian government needs them to do this, because it's nearly run out of military age males to draft human traffick into mine fields with insufficient training who are still in the country.

thinkin-lenin what if revolutionary defeatism? what if no war but class war? what if the ukrainian proletariat doesn't deserve to be used as meat shields for the preemptive geopolitical jockeying of NATO against BRICS?

Some forced conscription videos


Zelensky admits it is in US interests to use Ukraine

  • IceWallowCum [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Uhm, it's not mass deportation, it's thousands of individual deportations. What don't you get about this, tankie? maybe-later-kiddo